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The Lycan's Rejected Mate (naiah and Amos) novel Chapter 61

Anaiah's POV

"What is happening to my former pack," I rush to question as I enter the main room. Leondre sighs and motions for Arya to tell me. " Well, that pup Alpha is using his blood to turn slayers into shifters," My eyes almost bulged out at what she said. Alpha Amos? Why would he do that?

"But why?" I ask, perplexed. He has the pack that he always wanted, merging his and Eunice's pack. It is now quite famous among the werewolves and he has the respect he has always wanted.

"The sicko wants more territories, maybe to be the next wolf king,"

After discussing for a few more minutes, I turn to my mate

"What are you going to do about Alpha Amos," I ask quietly, he is a threat and must be dealt with before he continues with his madness and harms not only his pack but everyone around in hopes to acquire more power. Leondre stares blankly at the floor while caressing my wrist with his fingers, I can't decipher his feelings.

"Do you think he sent those men to attack us?"

He takes his eyes from the floor to me, nodding.

"Let's go find out, what he did is treason," He says, standing up with me in his arms.

We go to the airport and get into the private jet. Everyone is busy working and I decide to get out my new laptop as well to read through the files I received from Darius, I mentioned opening a foundation for the abused.

There are women who we saved from brothels and others in similar situations who needed housing or placements in foster care.

Soon, we arrived at our destination. It was just as I remembered, it is not as modern or vast as the Lycan's realm but it was neat, nice, and happy.

We got in three different cars, Dan and Arya got in one, Jake was driving us, and Angie and Darius got in another with three other combatants from the pack.

When we reached the packhouse, the members stopped what they were doing to look at us. A man I recognized as Ian rushed into the packhouse to call his Alpha.

Amos got out of the house alongside Eunice, they looked smug. As though they have already made it in life but my gaze is fixed on Amos, it wasn't him, as I sensed earlier, he was different and dark.

"What an honor to have you all here," He fake beamed. His eyes raked on mine for a long time and Leondre growled, holding me closer. All the pack members had come to see what was going on.

"Are you turning hunters into shifters?" My mate goes directly to the point. Amos raises his eyebrows in surprise, trying to fudge innocence but we all hear his heart skip.

"No, and how dare you Lycans come to my pack to accuse me of this," He growls, Amos was getting daring indeed, does he want to die? Arya goes forward, her eyes shining with jest and malevolence.

"Don't growl at your king, swine,"

"How dare you, Princess Arya, come to our pack to insult us!" Eunice speaks, rebelliously. As they exchange words, my stare went to my parents, oh no, Mr. and Mrs. Ross, I didn't see vexation in their gaze, they were pleased to see me but my stare was cold and I didn't look at them twice, a few feet next to them was Leah and the former Alpha and Luna, they had wrath in their gaze.

I smirk at them, knowing their only son will be their undoing and if there is any truth to these allegations, they shall all be punished, I didn't feel sorry for them, it was their karma for all the evil they did.

Things escalated with Arya and Eunice, the next I knew, Eunice was in the princess' chokehold and two warriors were running at an incredible speed to attack Arya nonetheless, only one made it to her as the other was stopped by Jack, he easily broke the man's neck and gasps erupt from the bystanders.

Arya discharges Eunice but not without clawing her badly on her side and pushing her to the ground. The Princess elongates her canines and bites into the warrior that assailed her and a piercing scream resounds from a lady's mouth, maybe his mate.


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