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The Lycan's Rejected Mate (naiah and Amos) novel Chapter 65

Anaiah's POV

My eyes flutter open, I'm on my mate's chest. I stifle a yawn and he kisses my head.

"Good morning my love and Happy Birthday," I tilt my head to meet his eyes, and I smile, I forgot it's my birthday. I sit up and cup his face.

"Good morning, babe," I kiss his lips and he kisses me back fiercely, my heart skips a bit as the door bursts open


and Arya, Danford, Angie, Darius, Justine, and Jake enter the room with balloons and a velvet cake. I get out of bed.

"AAW, thank you, guys. I love you,"

Arya holds up the cake so that I should blow out the candles and I do while they sing a birthday song.

"We are going down to celebrate at the packhouse!" Announces Dan. My mate suddenly pulls me into his chest and hugs me for a long time while our friends eat cake and laugh. I wrap my arms around his torso and a few tears escape my eyes. To love and be loved is something I stopped believing in but then, this dangerous king came and swept me off my feet, he made me believe in love again and showed me that I was worthy of love. I kiss his chest over again. Thank you, Leon, I whisper.

Arya pulls me to her side and twirls me around the bedroom as petals of water lilies fall on us, we dance around happily and it feels like I'm in a fairytale. If it's a dream, I don't ever want to wake up. I want to be this happy forever, I stop dancing when I feel a bit nauseous. I took a deep breath and eat some cake but that made it worse. Seeing this, Leon comes to me

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, I think I ate too much cake and it's making my tummy churn," I giggle. He only smiles and I get a spoonful of it, making him eat it. He scrunches his face. Leondre hates sweet food.

The rest of the day, we spent at the castle. I've been receiving gifts since this morning. My phone rings and I answer

"Hi, brother,"

"Happy birthday, Ana!" He sings and I smile, holding my chest as he continues to speak kind words to me.

"We are celebrating tonight at the main packhouse, can you please come?" I ask, he thinks before answering

"Sure, I wouldn't miss your birthday party,"

After talking to my brother and some pack members over there, I go back to my ... family, everyone is in pure bliss, all chatting with a mug of coffee in their hands. Discussing what has happened since we met.

In the evening we'll get ready to go to the biggest packhouse. I'm wearing a black strapless knee-length dress, my hair is in a messy bun and I am wearing red lipstick. Leondre is in simple jeans and a white shirt that is guilty of showing off his chiseled upper body. We hold hands as we go downstairs.


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