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The Lycan's Rejected Mate (naiah and Amos) novel Chapter 68

Anaiah's POV

The following days were the most engaged. Everyone was helping out as much as we could at the camp, and a few Alphas sent supplies, others even coming to check for themselves the situation and help out. The packs were uniting and it pleased me, even Erickson sent my office a huge amount of money to help out, along with flowers and a flirty message but I sensed it was only to anger my mate because Erick loves to taunt him. The animosity between our packs has been minimal, with no fights.

We are sitting in King Leondre's office, with a few neighboring Alphas and I was pleased that Alpha Erickson came too. This is the first time he's willingly attending the Alphas conference.

"What are we going to do in this situation? From what you've told us, this sorcerer is coming for us, our city," Says Alpha Jamal.

"We need to take him out before they attack, that way we can reduce the number of casualties," Another raises and they agree.

"But how?" The new Alpha of the Raven pack, Mary asks.

"We need to find the Werebear pack and attack them,"

Our spies have tried to find the location, however, there is a spell protecting their routes and they end up getting lost or at the beach, my brother thinks they are somewhere near the coast.

"And besides, the Werebears are not our enemy, it's the Wizard!" Reminds Mary.

"But they attacked us,"

"They were forced to by the sorcerer," I say. They turn to me and I tell them what Samantha told me word by word, they have different expressions on their face.

"How many rogues does this Amacus have? Already there are thousands of Werebears,"

"There are a lot and we need to prepare, watch each other's back and always be ready to help out when needed. Alphas start training your people, anyone who can fight should," Leondre says in an Authoritative tone

"What about the refugees you let into the city gates, isn't it dangerous?" Asks Erickson.

"Trust me, causing problems is the last thing they want. All they care for is a safe sanctuary. They are not even allowed to leave their assigned camp territories," I tell him.

"Still, I think this is leaving the packs of the city vulnerable to intruders, what if they are spies or -"

"Would you rather they are outside the city wall, Alpha Erickson?" Mary snappily asks, her eyebrows creasing. I've learned that she is very smart and an efficient businesswoman.

"Of course not, that would be too... insensitive I think," Alpha Erickson looks into her eyes and I smile.

"Good then," she smiles tightly, I can tell that Erickson is impressed by her.

"Well, I suggest they go in packs-" Alpha Caleb starts but he's interrupted by Leon.

"No, we are not separating packs, we have given them enough land to build and develop into small packs,"

Indeed, as we are having this meeting, building supplies are reaching new territories and their leaders are doing their hardest to get the job done. As for Samantha, she's getting help directly from my brother as the territory they were given is close to the Sunset Lycan pack and he's fond of her and her of him, but he asks a lot about Princess Scarlet, I wonder why could it be his mate?

Alaiah was true to her word about helping around and has been supplying necessities to the refugees, and her mate has been helping greatly with the construction of the packhouses because that is his line of work.

After concluding the meeting. I was left with my mate. He gestures for me to go to him and I get up but almost lose my balance as darkness took over for a second. He was in front of me in a second


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