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The Lycan's Rejected Mate (naiah and Amos) novel Chapter 91

Anaiah's POV

I'm taken aback by Leon's tone for a moment and I gasp. I reach for his hand but he pulls back

"Why are you here Ana, and with Erickson?"

"The warriors' mind linked me and I happened to be Erickson," I tell him quietly, Leondre sighs and runs a hand in his hair.

"And why the fuck were you with that man in the first place knowing goddamn well I don't want him close to you,"

"Watch your tone, I'm not one of your men," I snapped. He turns to walk away like he usually does when we are having a misunderstanding but I follow.

"Where are you going?"

"Away from you, Ana," He grits his teeth.

"Why are you upset with me? I was only trying to help! and I thought it was OUR border. You said we are equals, remember? " He stops and turns around to face me.

"I'm not upset that you came here, I'm angry because you tell me to stay the fuck away from you but here you are jumping into another man's arms, am I the problem, Ana?"

"Of course not," I'm quick to answer.

"You literally make up any excuse for me not to touch you but here you are with Erickson and who knows where you've been," He says. I understand that I haven't been the best to be around lately but I'm just hurting and seeing him hurts me more. Taking my silence as a yes, he sighs, and with pain in his gaze, he says; " I'm going to the Silver moon pack for a few days, and when I'm back I'll stay at the cabin for a while," He says and I shake my head

"Don't leave me, please,"

"It's clear that being around me hurts you for now and I never, ever want to see you hurting that's why we should both clear our heads," He says and my wolf howls in pain, I haven't been in contact with her since the loss. I look at my fingers, trying so hard to stop the tears that are about to fall. I nod and he turns on his heels to walk away. I change into my wolf form and run into the forest. I relinquish full control to Chalo, I don't know how long I've been running but I come to an abrupt stop when two shadows appear in front of me but soon vanish, what was that? I try to sniff around but I don't find a scent. Could it be that it was guards patrolling this area? I didn't stick around to find out, so I went back to the castle as it was getting darker.

Once there, I see Clara and beam at her, however, she doesn't smile back and I squint my eyes,

"Is that fake smile supposed to make me feel assured you're alright?" She asks. I throw my arms around her and we stay in an embrace for some time.

"My darling child, "

We go into the house, we go straight to my room and after putting on clothes, I join her in the salon, she's drinking her coffee while looking into her phone, she smiles when she sees me,

"Your uncle Mike is obsessed with social media, I'm scared," She mutters and I laugh. I spend the evening with Clara, just talking and I feel good. I tell her what I've been feeling and she advises me on how to handle the situation and tells me to give it time. As we spoke, I was feeling so bad for how I treated my mate, and I promised myself to fix this with him.

Beta Danford's POV


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