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The Man in Power After Being Married into Her Family novel Chapter 1321

In Aurora’s eyes, Charlie's position was only second to her father, Graham.

However, Coach Zavier did not know this.

He simply felt that Charlie had managed to fool Aurora because of his blind luck. That was the reason why she believed and trusted in him. s

So, he snorted before he said disdainfully, "Aurora, don't be fooled by this kind of young and inexperienced young man. This kind of person can only talk, but he has no real ability or capability at all. I f you really allow him to become your coach, you will definitely not have any opportunity to win any of the subsequent matches in the future!” 6

Aurora said with a little annoyance, "I forbid you to say that about Master Wade! Master Wade's strength and power are beyond anything you can ever imagine! If it weren’t because of Master Wade's reminder today, if I really listened to your tactical arrangements, I would have already lost the last match. It would have been completely impossible for me to advance to the quarter-finals now, and I would not have the opportunity to play in any subsequent matches anymore!" 9

Coach Zavier really did not expect Aurora not to fall for his ploy at all.

This made him feel very angry and annoyed.

Furthermore, Aurora had even said that his tactical arrangements just now were not as good compared to this young man with the last name Wade. This made him feel even unhappier. 7

In his opinion, even if Aurora really used Charlie's tactical arrangement to defeat the Thai player just now, he did not think that Charlie was any better or more skillful compared to him. 8

He even felt that if Aurora had used the tactical arrangement he had suggested to her, she would have probably ended up victorious anyway. In fact, he felt a s though she would have been able to win even more beautifully and easily then. 6

Thus, he replied enigmatically, "Aurora, I am kind enough to give you a chance, so it would be best if you knew how to appreciate favors and figure out what is best for yourself. Many professional players in Aurous Hill are interested in practicing combat and fighting skills. They are all lining up, begging me to train them and take them as my apprentices, but I chose you. That is your good luck. If you miss out on this opportunity to train under me, your career will really come to an end! You will never be able to make any real progress! If you want to become a true national professional athlete in the future, it will all just be your own wishful thinking without my guidance." 9

Graham never expected Coach Zavier to speak so unceremoniously. So, he said in a cold and angry

voice, "Coach Zavier, you really know how to talk big. Why do you think that it will be my daughter’s good luck if she chooses you as her coach? Let me tell you something. If my daughter can get Master Wade’s guidance, she would be the luckiest person on earth! A s for you, you are nothing more than garbage to me!" 2

As Aurora had always been relatively low-key in the university, not many people knew about her family background. Nobody knew that she was Graham's daughter. 1

Moreover, Graham had always maintained a low profile and hidden his identity from others. He was not as ostentatious as all the other rich people. So, although there were quite a few people who knew who he was, not many people knew him personally. 4

Coach Zavier had trained Aurora for more than a year. However, he had never met Graham before. He did not know that Aurora came from a very strong and powerful background. He thought that Aurora simply came from an ordinary family background, and he even thought that the reason why Aurora was practicing combat and fighting was because she wanted to make something out of herself. Therefore, h e thought that he would be able to threaten them into submission, s

Unexpectedly, the other party did not take him seriously at all. They had even said that he was nothing more than garbage. 6

At this time, Coach Zavier said coldly, "To be honest, I, Hanson Zavier, also have some strong contacts and connections in Aurous Hill even in the international combat and fighting circle. If I truly wanted to block someone, it is just a matter of one sentence. So, you'd better weigh the consequences of your words before you speak to me!"


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