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The Man in Power After Being Married into Her Family novel Chapter 1476

Charlie smiled slightly before he said, "It's good if it’s effective, then."

Elaine smiled in a flattering manner before she said," My good son-in-law, may I discuss something with you?"

Charlie nodded before he said, "Go ahead and speak u p. 3

Elaine hurriedly replied, "Well, it's like this. My good son-in-law, although this is a very big set of caviar skin care products, it will eventually be used up anyway. I'm afraid that if I can't continue using these products after I finish using this set, then the previous anti-aging effect that it has on my face will be of no use anymore and my face might return to its previous state. So, could you get me another set of caviar skin care products before I run out of it then?"

Charlie understood what she was trying to say.

Elaine was actually afraid that the effects of this set of skin care products would be useless after she stopped using this product after it was all used up. So, she wanted to book the next set of caviar skin care products for herself in advance.

To be honest, a set of caviar skin care products that cost four hundred thousand dollars had really meant nothing to him at all. However, it was also not a small

amount. So, he could not give Elaine his word so casually. 9

If she performed well, then it would naturally not be a problem at all. However, if she did not perform well, then he would not even want to buy her a bottle of Dabao that only cost a few dollars, let alone give her such an expensive set of skin care products.

So, Charlie replied lightly, "Mom, it will have to depend on the situation at that time. Your current set o f skin care products can last you for at least another half a year, right? We'll talk about this again when it is about to run out then." 4

Elaine was also a very witty person and she understood the meaning behind Charlie’s words immediately.

He would most certainly want to examine her own performance first before he made a decision on this matter.

So, Elaine hurriedly laughed and said, "My good son-in -law, don't worry. I'll definitely obey and follow all of your instructions and commands. I won’t do anything against your will and I will definitely obey everything that you say!"


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