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The Man in Power After Being Married into Her Family novel Chapter 1498

As he thought about Quinn's father, Yule's deteriorating health, he asked, "Is Uncle Golding's condition any better?"

"He isn’t doing so well..." Quinn replied in a low voice." He isn't doing so well. The doctor has recommended for him to be hospitalized again. However, my dad refuses to go there. I think my dad is a little depressed and low-spirited. Perhaps he has already resigned to his fate and he doesn't want to suffer anymore. He has always felt that he has no dignity at all when he is undergoing various treatments in the hospital...You might not understand his character very well.

However, my mother says that he is exactly like your father and his own biological brothers. They're all very stubborn and they refuse to take anyone's advice..." s

Charlie knew that many powerful and respectable figures usually had less desire to survive when they were terminally ill and dying.

This was mainly because they had been living such respectable and dignified lives for so many years. So, they valued their face and dignity very much. They did not want to lower their dignity and lose face just for the sake of living for a few more years when they were terminally ill.

Charlie even heard that many respectable and powerful figures would even sign a do-not-resuscitate

order when they were terminally ill. If their lives were coming to an end, they refused to be intubated, operated on, or even plugged into a ventilator, just so they could end their own lives in a more dignified manner, s

It seemed as though Yule had already started planning for his death.

Fortunately, Charlie reunited with Quinn at a relatively timely and coincidental moment. Otherwise, if Yule had already passed away because of his terminal illness, then it would have been completely impossible for Charlie to save Yule's life then, s

So, Charlie comforted Quinn as he said, "You don't have to worry too much about this matter. I will definitely help you to solve this matter after I arrive."

Quinn choked as she said, "Thank you so much, Brother Charlie. My dad will definitely be very happy that you've come to see him!” 7

Charlie did not want to continue talking too much to Quinn in case Loreen overheard any details of his conversation with Quinn. Therefore, he quickly said," This is it for now then. The plane is about to take off soon so I have to turn off my cell phone."

Quinn hurriedly replied, "Okay, Brother Charlie! I will b e waiting for you in Eastcliff!"

After Charlie hung up the phone, Loreen could not help but smile and said, "Oh, Charlie, you are really amazing. It's no wonder why everyone is calling you

Master Wade. Based on your phone call just now, it seems as though the other party is desperately waiting for you to save them!" 9


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