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The Man in Power After Being Married into Her Family novel Chapter 1862

"Okay," Lord Schulz replied. "You have to adjust yourself so as not to focus too much on Rosalie. The Schulz family is in deeper trouble. After your return, w e will hold a meeting to discuss solutions for the next phase. If we don't fill up all that we've lost, other families will be eyeing us!"

"Alright, I understand!"

At that moment, the Schulz family’s notorious news in Japan spread like wildfire over Eastcliff, even reaching the Wade family, and had become the hot topic.

Every family was taken aback by the news as no one had expected that the prestigious Schulz family would suffer such tremendous defeat in Japan.

Despite the news being a nightmare to the Schulz's family, it was good news to the rest.

The Schulz's family had overwhelming influence in Eastcliff. Apart from the Wade family, the rest was definitely no match for the Schulz family.

The other families were in high spirits because the severe losses suffered by the Schulz family would narrow the gap with the other families.

The happiest family would be none other than the

Wade family.

Jeremiah paced forth and back inside the living hall o f his villa in high spirits. He murmured, "The Schulz family’s assassins have always been a thorn in my flesh, especially Rosalie, who is young and powerful, capable and of high commitment. What a relief now that all of them have been defeated in the hands of the Japanese.”

"Yes!" Clayton agreed happily, "Indeed, the Schulz family had suffered great losses with all their top skillful masters being captured in Japan. They'll have t o keep a low profile for a long while."

Jeremiah nodded his head, then asked, "How's the talk between Felix and Yahiko?”

Clayton shrugged, "Felix met up with Yahiko in the hospital. It seems like Yahiko showed no interest in continuing the business, hence he didn’t look so keen on the matter.”

Jeremiah said, "It is understandable. After all, he has just lost both of his legs. Not every man can easily accept such a fact, let alone a prestigious filthy-rich person like Yahiko. Therefore, it's understood that he'll need some time to calm down.”

Clayton continued to ask, "Then, shall I ask Felix to return home or continue to stay in Japan?"

Jeremiah thought for a while, then said, "Ask him to remain in Japan first. Then, he can visit Yahiko again after two days and perhaps he may change his mind b y then. There is still a few days until the New Year, you may ask Felix to stay in Tokyo until the 29th of the month."

"Noted." Clayton nodded his head and said, "Carmen will go to Aurous early in the morning tomorrow. How nice it would be if Charlie could come home to celebrate with us!"

Jeremiah chuckled, then said, "It's good if Charlie comes home willingly. Otherwise, we can't force him either..."

Clayton said in a serious manner," The Wade family doesn't have many members. If only Charlie comes home willingly, then not only would he be able to lend us a helping hand but he can also help us get a marriage partner. He might not be able to get the Schulz family's Sophie, but he should be able to win Quinn's heart. The marriage between the Wade family and the Golding family will enable both families to join force and defeat the Schulz’s family."


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