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The Man in Power After Being Married into Her Family novel Chapter 1938

Donald Webb said coldly, "There is no misunderstanding. I've already lost all confidence in your entire family. So, I don’t expect you to do anything for me. Since this is the case, why don’t you just divest now? What else are you waiting for?" 2

Lady Wilson immediately pleaded pitifully. "Mr. Webb! Is this all because of what my son and grandson did today that made you dissatisfied? If they didn't do a good job, please do not hesitate to comment. I will definitely make sure that they change for the better. Please... I beg you... Please give our family another chance!" 1

Donald was getting impatient. "I've already given you a chance, but it was you who did not appreciate the opportunity and did not do a good job! So, don't bother begging me now."

Lady Wilson felt desperation growing in her heart. Suddenly, she thought of the incident at the villa. "Mr. Webb, we signed an agreement regarding the villa. You agreed to a ten-year lease. You can't go back on your promise now. Otherwise, our family would have t 0 sleep on the streets!"

Donald sneered. "Of course, you can still stay in the villa for the time being, but you’d better tell your son and make sure you tell him clearly. If he has the guts t 0 divorce Hannah, I will immediately get rid of your

entire family from the villa!"

Lady Wilson replied angrily. "Mr. Webb, you've already decided not to use us to defeat Charlie, so why are you persistently forcing my son to be with that dirty woman? You should know too that a man hates it when he gets cuckolded by his own woman! As long a s Hannah is around, my son will never be able to pass this hurdle..."

Donald retorted contemptuously. "Whether or not your son can pass this hurdle or not has nothing to do with me. Hannah is definitely under my protection now. If you are unwilling, then you can move out of Thompson First and leave the villa for Hannah."

When Lady Wilson heard this, she immediately realized she couldn't voice out anymore. If she were to continue to talk to Donald, there was a high chance she would really lose the residential rights to the villa.

Lady Wilson had slept on the streets before. Thus, she knew what it was like to suffer like that and did not want to relive those moments.

She couldn't help but whisper in her mind. 'As long as we can continue to reside in Thompson First's villa, even if my son has to endure being cuckolded, I am also willing to accept it. I'm very old... I don't have many more years to live, and I definitely don't want to suffer anymore.'


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