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The Man in Power After Being Married into Her Family novel Chapter 1942

She was already thinking of pretending to be pitiful in hopes that Charlie wouldn’t deduct her allowance.

What was totally unexpected was for Charlie to be so generous, offering the considerable sum of a hundred thousand dollars!

Elaine immediately felt refreshed and energetic the moment she heard Charlie’s words. She immediately thanked Charlie gratefully. "Wow, you are really the best son-in-law! It must be due to all the accumulated good fortune that I have you as my son-in-law...’’

Claire was speechless when she heard her mother's words.

She was so stupefied because she realized her mother said those words sincerely. Rather than just a polite gesture, it seemed as though she was really saying them from the bottom of her heart...

Charlie, too, didn’t expect Elaine to be so moved with a mere hundred thousand dollars. He couldn't help but laugh secretly while thinking to himself, ‘If I knew this superb mother-in-law of mine would be so easily controlled by such a small amount of money, wouldn’t it be easier to keep her in line if I just gave her a bit more money?' 3

But after thinking things through, it was not what it seemed.

Back then, Elaine controlled her family’s wealth. At that time, she would have had at least two million dollars in her hands. Even if she were to be given a few hundred thousand more, she wouldn’t even budge. 2

However, after experiencing the incident where all their money was spent by Hannah, and after spending a few days suffering in the detention center, she lowered her expectations and minimized her lifestyle; she wasn’t as greedy anymore. 4

Charlie’s way of handling things has always been very straightforward. As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately transferred a hundred thousand dollars t 0 Elaine’s card. The moment Elaine received the receipt message from the bank, she directly beamed and said happily, "Still, my son-in-law is the one who cares for me!"

During this time, the doctor walked in during his rounds, and Claire immediately implored her. "Doctor, may I know how my mother’s condition is now?"

The female doctor smiled as she explained. "The patient is currently required to recuperate. This will definitely take some time. Other than that, there’s nothing too serious. You can let her stay in the hospital for further observation, or you can take her home to recuperate there. Either way works." 3

Claire turned to Elaine. "Mother, why don’t we discharge you from the hospital and bring you home? It’ll be much easier for us to take care of you. Plus, it is almost the new year, and staying here in the hospital


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