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The Man in Power After Being Married into Her Family novel Chapter 2584

As Aurora stroked the head of the Akita pup, she looked at Nanako with an expectant face and asked," Nanako, is this dog really for me?!"

"Yes!" Nanako nodded and smiled before saying seriously, "His name is Momotaro, and he is a little boy. Although he is a boy, he is very good-tempered and gentle. From now on, please take good care of him! II

Aurora was very excited, and she said gratefully, "Nana -chan, thank you so much!"

Nanako laughed, "We are all friends, why are you being so polite!"

Aurora said with a red face, "I... I am embarrassed... I never had the chance to say sorry for hurting you like that in the competition before..." 3

Nanako replied, "Since it was a competition, there are bound to be losses and wins. Some people will get injured. We were all competing fairly, so there is no need to be sorry. You must not take it to heart." 6

Aurora said sheepishly, "But... But... I was..."

All of a sudden, Aurora did not know how to explain.

After struggling for a moment, Aurora ground her teeth and said, "But it was not by my own ability that I

beat you at that time. It was all thanks to the help of Master Wade... So, in the end, I did not win fairly..."

Nanako smiled slightly and said earnestly, "Aurora, everyone has their own different encounters, just like some people master more advanced combat skills, while others master better ways to strengthen their bodies. So, there is no such thing as winning unfairly. Besides, thanks to you injuring me, Charlie-kun thought of helping me to heal my injuries, and it was because of this that my entire family and I were saved by Charlie. In the end, I can't thank you enough..." 5

"Huh?!" Aurora asked in astonishment, "Such a thing happened?!"


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