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The Man in Power After Being Married into Her Family novel Chapter 2647

"How would I rescue them and bring them out safely?"

When Charlie heard Isaac's question, Charlie smiled bitterly before he replied frankly, “To be honest, I do not know how I am going to rescue them or bring them out safely either."

Isaac asked nervously, "Then, how confident are you this time?"

Charlie said seriously, "I have never been to Syria, and I do not know anything about the strength and defense of the Syrian opposition force. However, judging from the situation that you have just mentioned, the information seems to prove that the other party is still very strong and powerful. Even if I a m a little capable, it would be impossible for me to take on thousands of soldiers who are armed with live ammunition. So, I can only find a way to sneak in quietly." 2

As he spoke, Charlie sighed slightly as he said, "If I am lucky, I might be able to sneak in, but if I am not that lucky, I might not even be able to get in at all."

Isaac was very worried as he said, "Young Master, you are going to walk into the lion's den on your own. Will your life be in danger if the other party discovers you?"

Charlie waved his hand and said, "I still have the confidence and ability to protect myself, but it is hard t

o determine whether I will be able to rescue those people successfully.”

Isaac asked again, "Young Master, you said that you want to skydive from a fixed-wing aircraft. Do you have any skydiving experience prior to this?"

Charlie shook his head. "No. I was even having difficulties making sure that I have ample food and clothing throughout all these years. So, how could I possibly have any skydiving experience?" s

Isaac had an even more anxious and nervous look on his face as he said, "Young Master, if you do not have such prior experience, wouldn’t it be even more dangerous in this situation?"


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