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The Man in Power After Being Married into Her Family novel Chapter 3067

When Wendy saw the arrogant and insolent look on her grandmother’s face, Wendy could not help but feel very afraid in her heart, and she hurriedly said," Grandma! How can you be so rude to Brother-in-Law? Hurry up and apologize to him!" 4

Lady Wilson was stunned when she heard Wendy's words, and she said, "Wendy, are you out of your mind?! Hasn't our family suffered and gotten bullied enough by him?!"

As she spoke, Lady Wilson was filled with righteous indignation as she reprimanded, "Don’t forget that he was the one who sent your mother to the black coal kiln!"

"If he did not send your mother to the black coal kiln, your father and mother would not have ended up in the current state that they are in today! That shrew, Elaine, would not have had the opportunity to humiliate your father by hanging green caps all over her balcony, then!" 1

"Have you also forgotten our misfortune when the both of us were arrested and taken to the detention center? Isn’t it all thanks to him?!" 2

"Now that we finally have the opportunity to take revenge, you're not only refusing to help me, but you

are even favoring an outsider, siding with this b*stard instead of standing by my side! Are you trying to piss me off?!"

The expression on Wendy's face suddenly became very ugly, and she said very sternly, "Grandma! You're already so old, so why don't you seem to have the correct view of what is right and wrong? You're right. Brother-in-Law was indeed the one who had sent my mother to the black coal kiln. But have you ever thought of why Brother-in-Law sent her there in the first place? If she had not colluded with Linda Howard and tried to cheat Elaine out of all her money and Brother-in-Law's villa, he would not have needed to punish her that way either!"

"Besides, at the end of the day, we only have ourselves to blame for the incident where the both of us ended u p getting locked up in the detention center. Zeke White gave this villa to Brother-in-Law back then, but you insisted on taking over the villa, and you kept coming here repeatedly to cause trouble. You even encouraged and gave my elder brother the green light t o attack Zeke's old butler. Brother-in-Law has already been very gracious by not sentencing us for what happened at that time!"

Lady Wilson stood in place dumbfounded, and she was stunned as though she had just been struck by lightning.

She looked at Wendy, and she could not say anything a t all for a long time. Her whole body was also shaking violently because of her extreme anger.


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