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The Man in Power After Being Married into Her Family novel Chapter 3135

As soon as the government supreme commander heard Zephan's words, his eyes lit up.

"A feign attack from the front, and a roundabout outflank!"

"That is definitely a very feasible battle plan. It seems as though this Zephan Levatt really does have some skills!"

Zephan did not know that his own set of attack tactics, which could not be any more ordinary, would actually end up being such an ingenious plan in the eyes of the other party's supreme commander.

This was mainly because the other party's military literacy was truly too low. It was so low to the point that it was absolutely ridiculous.

Although the regions in the Middle East were constantly at war, it had to be admitted that the entire modern Middle Eastern was just not good at fighting wars. 2

Ever since World War II, the war had become more and more demanding in terms of its tactics, strategies, as well as its patterns. The whole world had learned a lot of war experience from that war, and even the originally weaker Southeast Asian countries had

subsequently become braver and more warlike one after the other. Only the Middle East had not improved its talent for warfare, and on the contrary, it was still far behind as compared to the other regions. 3

Although Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq had been at war for so many years, no matter how large the scale of the military was, they would always be utilizing the unorthodox guerrilla method when they fought.

The biggest problem for the military of all the countries in the Middle East, aside from Israel, was its low military literacy.

The soldiers’ training level was insufficient, the supreme commander’s skill and level were insufficient, and the various departments and arms of the military had extremely poor combat coordination and combat capabilities. At the same time, the troops also generally lacked the strong will to fight. Many times, many seemingly huge militaries could easily be destroyed with just one blow.

Not to mention Syria, which was a country that had a perennial war going on, but even the military in those few super-wealthy countries that started out by relying on oil was also almost a complete mess in every other aspect aside from being even more talented as compared to anyone else when it came to spending money to buy equipment.

For instance, Saudi Arabia, which was equipped almost entirely with advanced equipment from the United States, was able to seize the M1A2 main battle tanks which were sold to them by the United States even when they were in the midst of a confrontation with the Houthis. This was also why they were honored with the reputation as the 'transport captain'.


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