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The Man in Power After Being Married into Her Family novel Chapter 3203

Charlie felt that it would really not be realistic at all if he were to truly search for the whereabouts of the opponent’s supreme commander amongst all the soldiers from Ten Thousand Armies so that he could have control over him.

Everything else aside, Charlie still did not even know who the opponent's supreme commander was or what he looked like.

At that time, there would be more than ten thousand men inside. Even if Charlie could successfully infiltrate them, he was afraid that it would be very difficult for him to find and determine the identity of the other party within a day or two. 3

However, if he were to look at this problem from a different perspective, it would not be so complicated.

Charlie could just go over there and meet with him directly.

When Hamed heard Charlie's words, he immediately exclaimed in shock, "How can we do that? Brother Wade, you will have a very slim chance of surviving this! How can you go and take this risk?!"

Charlie simply smiled indifferently and said, "What's s o life-threatening about it if I were to go over and meet

with the opponent openly as your negotiator? Do you really think that they will kill me?"

Hamed blurted out, "There’s always that possibility! The opponent hates me to the core now, and they might take it all out on you!"

Charlie laughed and said, "They will not do that. Thousands of years ago, our ancestors in Oskia once said that we will not kill the envoys when two countries are at war. Moreover, this is also a basic principle that all the countries in the world have adhered to up till this point. It's just like how the Geneva Convention stipulated that any medical personnel should not be deliberately killed on the battlefield. Then, all countries have to comply and abide by this basic principle. I believe that you should also know very well exactly what happened to those two fascist countries who refused to abide and comply with any conventions during World War II."

As he spoke, Charlie then said, "Ten Thousand Armies could develop and grow to their current scale today, and if they want to take root in the Middle East, they will definitely have to abide by these basic principles."

Hamed said, "But they may not necessarily be willing t o have any peace negotiations with me. Their current idea is to fight me to the end. It is also said that they have already long let out the word that as long as it is something coming out of my base, they will not let it g o, even if it’s just a mouse." 2

Charlie laughed and said, "There is not much significance even if they say as many harsh words as they want to. The reality is that they are currently in this stalemate with you, and it will not do them any good at all."

As he spoke, Charlie then continued analyzing, "This kind of stalemate might seem to be very disadvantageous to you on the surface, but in actual fact, Ten Thousand Armies and the government are the ones who are truly at a disadvantage." 4

Hamed had a worried and anxious look on his face as he said, "Brother, to tell you the truth, sometimes I feel quite uncertain about this situation in the depths of m y heart. I did not have a long preparation time, and so, my strategic supplies are still not enough, and it is far from your previous request for me to have strategic reserves to last for three years. Besides that, the number of people in my base has already multiplied b y several times, and if I have to feed and take care of more than ten thousand men, that will speed up the consumption of supplies. We will only be able to last for a year and a half at most..."

As he spoke of this, Hamed then sighed and said seriously, "Brother, if I were to use an Oskian idiom to describe myself, I am a turtle in a jar!" 5


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