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The Man in Power After Being Married into Her Family novel Chapter 649

When Charlie saw how persistent Claire was, he nodded as he said, "Alright then, wife. Thank you for your hard work. I will leave now." 4

"Alright, go!" Claire then quickly asked, "Since you are attending a friend's birthday banquet, did you prepare a present for him?"

Charlie hummed before he said, "Yes, I've prepared a gift for him already."

Claire hurriedly asked, "What gift did you prepare for him? Make sure that it is not too petty or cheap, otherwise, he might feel a little dissatisfied!"

Charlie smiled slightly before he said, "I have already prepared something that I made myself for him. It is not the gift that counts, but the thought behind it that matters anyway. After all, my friend does not really care that much about money. Therefore, I believe he will definitely love my gift." 6

"That's great!” Claire nodded before she smiled and said, "If that is the case, you should leave now!" 1

"Okay." i

At this time, Charlie got up before he put on an ordinary coat. After that, he bid farewell to Claire and his father and mother-in-law before he left the house immediately. 4

As soon as Charlie stepped out of the house, Elaine put her cell phone down before she looked at Claire with a serious expression on her face. "Claire, why are you spoiling Charlie so much nowadays? What else can that useless piece of trash do besides help with all the housework at home? I was even thinking of letting him do even more house chores at home. On the other hand, you are simply offering to help Charlie do all the housework now!" 5

Claire hurriedly replied, "Mom, since Charlie has something on, just let him leave earlier. I can do these simple house chores such as cleaning up the dishes after breakfast. It is not a big deal anyway." 5

Elaine blurted out, "That is not what I think! You should treat a man the same way you would raise a dog! If you are strict with your discipline with him from the beginning to the end, he will not even dare to randomly poop and pee at home, let alone jump on the bed or bite on any of your furniture. Moreover, he will even wag his tail when he sees you." 7

After that, Elaine continued speaking solemnly," However, if you just relax a little and give him some freedom, he will not only be even more arrogant, but h e might also turn around to bite you in the back one day! Just look at your father whom I have been disciplining over the years. Don’t you think that he is very obedient and submissive to me now?" 1

When Jacob heard Elaine's words, the expression on his face turned extremely ugly. He could not help but curse in his heart. D*mn this stinky woman! So, you have always been treating me like a dog?

However, Jacob did not dare to get mad or lose his temper at Elaine. Therefore, he could only swallow his anger and keep everything to himself even though he was really upset. 4

Claire glanced sympathetically at her father before she said helplessly, "Mom, I will clean up the dishes, and then I will also go out after that."


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