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The Man in Power After Being Married into Her Family novel Chapter 716

Charlie grinned and nodded in satisfaction and said, " Hurry up, let's start." 2

Then, he picked up the phone and aimed it at Cain and Marcus.

The father and son stood side by side. Wiping away his tears, Marcus managed a smile and said, "Hi, everyone, I am Marcus Lloyd, the pathetic jerk.” 1

Marcus also hurriedly said, "Hi, I'm Cain Lloyd, the father of the pathetic jerk." 6

Then, they said together, “We're going to perform stand -up comedy today!”

Marcus said, "I bet all of you must have seen these words carved on my forehead. Why, you may ask? Because I am always very arrogant and these words are to remind everyone that they are all pathetic jerks.” 3

Cain continued, "They say, 'like father, like son’, but in my case, it's 'like son, like father'. Since my son has the words ’pathetic jerk' carved on his forehead, I can't let him indulge in the glory himself, so I’m joining the bandwagon and have these words 'father of the pathetic jerk’ carved on my forehead too." 6

Marcus said, "Up till this point, you must be wondering why my dad and I are so arrogant? This is mainly because we have a very good relationship with the Webb family in Sudbury!" 4

"Yes!" Cain said, "Everyone knows that the Webb family is filthy rich, but the most awesome thing the family has isn't money, but instead, a son who likes to eat shit!" 6

Marcus said, "Yes! When it comes to the shit-eating son, you guys must have watched the viral video on the Internet. That dude has to eat shit hourly and he can’t even skip once! When he was at the hospital, in order to eat the freshly baked shit, he literally pushed an old man who was sitting inside the toilet and smacked the shit right into his mouth! Tell me, is that something an ordinary person would do?" s

Cain echoed, "You're right, son. The way you put it, the Webb family's son is really something!" 5

"Of course!" Marcus nodded, complimenting with a thumbs up, "So the Webb family is indeed extraordinary to have such an extraordinary son!" 2

Cain asked curiously, "Wait a minute. Why haven't we heard any news from him now, by the way?"


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