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The Man in Power After Being Married into Her Family novel Chapter 740

At this time, Kian, who had been at the Webb family mansion in Sudbury, suddenly gave Donald a call. 5

He had just regained his consciousness after finishing his extra meal. Kian called his father regardless of the horrible and foul stench in his mouth. 5

Donald did not expect to receive a phone call from his youngest son at this time.

After all, the latter had been very depressed during this period. Every time he finished eating his meal, he would only feel like dying and committing suicide. He was in a very decadent state, and he did not want to see or talk to anyone at all. 7

Donald could not understand why his youngest son would be calling him at this time.

Could it be because Kian had heard about what had happened to him and his eldest son? Did Kian call him to comfort him? i

Donald could not help but feel somewhat relieved as h e thought about this, i

However, as soon as he answered the call, he could hear Kian's extremely flustered voice over the other end of the line. "Dad! Something terrible has happened! Grandpa has had a heart attack!” "What?" Donald blurted out, "What happened?! I was

just talking to your grandfather over the phone a short while ago and he seemed completely fine to me!”

Kian replied, "Not too long ago, grandpa received a phone call from his friend who asked him to watch a video on TikTok. I turned on the video to show it to him, but he suffered a heart attack after watching the video! The paramedics are trying to resuscitate him at home, but it seems as though he is not in a lifethreatening situation." 4

"Video? What video are you talking about?" Donald asked anxiously, "What kind of short video did the old man watch? Did he get a shock because it was something horrifying?" 2

"No..." Kian blurted out, "It was a video of a father and son who had some words carved on their foreheads. They posted a video of themselves performing a standup comedy on TikTok!" 1

"Stand-up comedy?" Donald was even more confused a t this time.

After that, he asked, "Did you just say that there were words engraved on their foreheads?"

"Yes!" Kian hurriedly said, "They introduced themselves as Cain Lloyd and Marcus Lloyd!" 1

Donald was even more surprised!


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