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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 101

Earlier, because of Ye Fan's conflict with Sheng Tian, the Hans had been scolding him and his wife. According to Madam Han, Ye Fan had not only ruined her son's and grandson's careers, but had also gotten their whole family into trouble.

But now, the bosses of Jiangdong had come personally to pay their respects to Ye Fan and celebrate Qiu Mu-Cheng's birthday. The King of Jiangdong, Chen Ao, himself was among their number!

This, undoubtedly, was a slap in the face of the Han family.

A few minutes ago, the Hans had been scolding Ye Fan because he had offended one of Chen Ao's underlings. But just now, they learned that even Chen Ao himself had to show respect to Ye Fan.


It was such a great irony!

Nobody could understand how the Hans were feeling at this moment.

Earlier, Mo Wen-Xuan, the so-called young master of the Mo family, had been flaunting his power in front of everybody. But right now, in the presence of the real movers and shakers, he was as meek as a mouse and looked thoroughly defeated.

Ye Fan's angry assertions were still reverberating through the hall.

It was clear that Ye Fan's questions had reached deep into Madam Han's psyche, and rang out as loud as warning bells.

Nobody said anything. They did not dare to. And the Hans had nothing to say anyway.

At this moment, both Han Yu and Han Yue were looking panicky and fearful.

Ye Fan looked at the Hans and then continued speaking. "Grandmother, Mu-Cheng and I traveled a long way from Yunzhou to celebrate your birthday."

"Yes, we did not give you anything valuable, but our gift was a token of our sincerity and regard!”

"Day after day, my mother sweated and toiled to grow those tea leaves. In my eyes, they are the most precious thing in the world. That was why I brought them to you as a gift."

"But you, in order to save face for your daughter, you turned falsehood into truth and spoke a lot of nonsense. You sacrificed Mu-Cheng's and my dignity!"

"Not only that, you also treated the token of our sincerity and the result of my mother's toil like garbage, and discarded them into a corner."

"And you know what's even funnier? Just because I kicked Sheng Tian, you wanted me and my wife to kneel in apology. You even scolded us in front of everybody. What if I told you, not only did I beat up Sheng Tian, I also forced him to kneel in fear and beg for mercy? Are you going to tell my wife and I to kill ourselves to atone for our sin?"

Ye Fan sneered, as self-deprecation and anger filled his eyes.

Meanwhile, Madam Han was trembling all over. Ye Fan's words had weighed heavily on her.

"Grandmother, have you forgotten that Mu-Cheng is your granddaughter and I am her husband? Without even bothering to ask for the reason behind my conflict with Sheng Tian, you wanted me and my wife to kneel in apology. And just because you wanted to suck up to an outsider to safeguard your son's and grandson's careers, you decided to sacrifice our dignity and reputation."

"Grandmother, don't you feel the least bit of guilt about that?"

Ye Fan laughed mockingly, and his angry voice reverberated thunderously through the air. His questions had completely overwhelmed Madam Han and left her speechless with a red face.

"Fan, you have misunderstood your grandmother." Just then, even though Han Hai was not looking well, he managed to stammer a response to defend his mother.

"Fan?" Ye Fan smiled and said, "Uncle, if my memory serves me right, this is the first time you have called me that.”

"I know. In your eyes, I am just a useless son-in-law. A country bumpkin. You think Mu-Cheng is unmotivated and just wallowing in degeneration, because she married a good-for-nothing like me. Perhaps, all along, you have been thinking that we are unworthy of attending grandmother's birthday banquet. After all, we will only embarrass you by turning up."

"In that case, my wife and I will not bother you any longer. We wouldn't want to stay and disgust grandmother with our presence.”

After he had said this, Ye Fan smiled coldly and looked to the front.

And then he bowed slightly toward Madam Han.

After that, he pulled Qiu Mu-Cheng to his side and said slowly. "Mu-Cheng, wish your grandmother a happy birthday."

Qiu Mu-Cheng had never seen Ye Fan so angry before. Just then, his presence was so overwhelming that she dared not do anything else but listen to him like an obedient wife. And so, she gave Madam Han a respectful bow.

Ye Fan's voice rang out once again.


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