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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 107

That night, when Han Li and Qiu Lei got home, they immediately sought out their daughter and asked her to explain herself.

"Mu-Cheng, you tell me. Did that bastard, Ye Fan, force you to do something indecent during your stay in Jianghai?"

"And so you decided to abandon yourself to despair because you thought you have already hit rock bottom? Are you going to stay with him for the rest of your life?"

"Why else would you listen to him so obediently at the banquet?"

"You were going along with whatever that good-for-nothing said."

Han Li and her husband stared sternly at their daughter as they questioned her.

Qiu Mu-Cheng shrugged helplessly and said, "What are you talking about? What could he have possibly done to me?"

"I went along with what he said because he was making sense.”

"Bullshit!" Han Li scolded. "Besides causing trouble, what else can that good-for-nothing do?"

"We thought that we would be able to stand in your limelight once you become the person-in-charge. But look at what you have done! You pissed off the old man. Now we won't be able to get anything."

A look of anger, disappointment and pity came over Han Li's face as she lamented her daughter's foolishness.

Qiu Mu-Cheng was nearly rendered speechless. "Mom, I think you are the one who can't tell head from tail. Don't you know what kind of person Qiu Mu-Ying is? If I work with her, she will just take all the credit when things go well. But if the project flops, I will be the one taking all the blame."

"Why should I do all the work when somebody else is going to get the credit? You can have the job if you want, but I won't do it."

Realization finally dawned on Han Li and

Qiu Lei as they took in their daughter's words.

"You are right. Luo's family are a bad lot. If you work with that family, you could get into all sorts of trouble."

"But this is this, and that is that. Mu-Cheng, I am warning you, that piece of trash is not good enough for you. Sooner or later, you will have to divorce him."

"You had better watch yourself. Don't get too involved with him. And you must be careful not to ruin your reputation."

"You will have to marry someone from a rich family to make our family proud."

Han Li and Qiu Lei took care to make sure that their daughter understood the seriousness of their warning. But Qiu Mu-Cheng had already gotten used to her parents' snobbishnes, so she paid them no mind. After finishing her dinner, she went back to her room.

As for Ye Fan, he had already left the house on some business and was not yet back.

The bank of Yunwu Lake.

Ye Fan was leaning against the railing as he looked at the scenery before him. But instead of enjoying the view, he had a heavy expression on his face as he talked on his phone.

"Han, you are saying the family will be taking action again?"

"Mm. According to the information I have received, after his recent failure, the third young master will be sending another killer to Jiangdong. Most likely, he will be coming after you." On the other end of the line, the old butler was imparting the news with a sombre and worried look on his face.

Although Ye Fan had survived the assassination attempt in Jianghai, it only meant that they would be sending a more capable killer the next time around.

Ye Fan frowned and asked in a heavy voice, "Can you find out his identity and


"This will be difficult to do,” Han answered.

A killer on assignment would hide all traces of himself, so much so that even his employer would not know where he was currently hiding.

"Mm, okay. I get it."

Ye Fan ended the call, but the look of worry remained in his eyes.

He was not worried for his own safety. Currently, there were only a few people in Great China who could match his strength. His safety was assured but he could not say the same for Qiu Mu-Cheng.

Many professional killers would stop at nothing to achieve their ends. For example, during the last attempt on Ye Fan's life, those killers had tried to use a hostage against him. Therefore, Ye Fan was worried that the recent hires would also lay their hands on the people around him.

But clearly, his enemies had not gathered enough intelligence about him. Other than the fact that he was in Jiangdong, they did not know any other specific details about him. But if he continued to live with the Qius and move around with Qiu Mu-Cheng, it was quite possible that the killer might target her.

Before we find the killer, it seems I will have to leave the Qius for a while.

Ye Fan stood on the bank of the lake for a long while. Nobody knew just what was going through his mind just then.


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