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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1074

Back at Li Er's.

Ye Fan had hung up on him and the dead tone of the phone replaced his voice.

Li Er remained silent for a long time.

It took him a long time to snap out of his daze.

He put his hands behind his back and started pacing the room. His face looked extremely unpleasant.

"How did things turn out like that? Didn't Mr Chu just decide to let the two of them off? Why did he change his mind so quickly? Did those two idiots secretly send someone to attack Mr Chu?"

Li Er's brows were furrowed and he was both frustrated and worried.

His good mood had taken a huge plunge because of this call.

Li Er decided to quickly call Wu Wei-Tao.

"Mr Li, I was about to call you! I thought of calling you out for a meal. Are you free tomorrow?" Wu Wei-Tao was clearly also in a good mood because he thought the crisis in Jiangdong was over and he could relax.

"Are you kidding? You're still in the mood to go out for a meal?! Something terrible has happened! Mr Chu just called me to find out where Lu Ming-Feng and Xur Shao-Hua are. It sounds like Mr Chu is getting ready to finish these two off,” said Li Er in a grim voice.


Wu Wei-Tao instantly shivered and lost his grip on the teacup in his hand. It fell and shattered onto the floor.

"Mr Li, what did you just say? Mr Chu is going to finish them off? Did you...did you get it wrong? Didn't you just tell me that Mr Chu has decided not to pursue this matter and this whole thing has come to a close? Why...what's happened?!" asked Wu Wei-Tao anxiously with a pale face.

"Why are you asking me what happened? I think you'd better ask those two fellows what the hell they did! If my guess is right, those two idiots must be still feeling indignant and sent someone to kill Mr Chu again. Otherwise, Mr Chu wouldn't be this angry!" Li Er tried his best to keep his temper down since Wu Wei-Tao was the mayor after all. If he were the mayor, Li Er would have cursed his entire family by now.

He had already told Wu Wei-Tao to watch those two fellows carefully and make sure they didn't provoke Mr Chu anymore.

But what happened in the end?

The thing he was most worried about still happened.

"Mr Li, please calm down, there might be a misunderstanding somewhere. Tell you what, you pacify Mr Chu for the time being. Don't tell him where Lu Ming-Feng and Xur Shao-Hua is. Give me some time and let me investigate this matter first," said Wu Wei-Tao hurriedly.

Li Er just scoffed. "Mayor Wu, I'm sorry but

I don't want to die. I've said what I was supposed to, and Mr Chu will reach the hotel where those two are in 20 minutes. If you want to prevent a tragedy from happening, then there's only one way to go about doing it."

"You'd better call those two right now and tell them to get their ass out of here! Tell them to leave Jiangdong and go as far away as possible right now! Otherwise, we're going to have two more ghosts haunting Jiangdong in no time!"

Li Er's harsh words sounded like a tub of cold water splashing all over Wu Wei-Tao's body.

Wu Wei-Tao couldn't help but shiver.

Wu Wei-Tao wanted to say more, but Li Er had already hung up on him.

"Damn it! What on earth happened?" Wu Wei-Tao's heart was overcome with worry.

Just then, another call came in. Wu Wei-Tao didn't even see who the caller was before picking it up because he thought it was Li Er.

But it wasn't Li Er, it was a subordinate.

"Mayor Wu, something has happened at Mount Yunding Villa. For some reason, a series of explosions happened at the peak of the mountain. The entire villa has been razed to the ground, and the peak of the mountain is completely burnt! We've already sent a rescue team over, and we're not sure exactly how many casualties there are."

His subordinate continued with his report, but Wu Wei-Tao was no longer listening.

He understood what happened now.


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