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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1076

"Huh? Why is it you? Mum, Dad, what is going on?" Qiu Mu-Cheng's face immediately fell when she saw Xur Shao-Hua.

She had a bad feeling that her parents had lied to her.

She ignored Xur Shao-Hua and turned to question her own parents directly.

"Mu-Cheng, what is the matter with you? Young Master Xur is talking to you, but you're so rude to him. Hurry up and thank him for being so kind to you!” Han Li glared at Qiu Mu-Cheng to signal to her to watch her words so that things wouldn't become awkward.

But Qiu Mu-Cheng refused to take the hint.

She was furious that her parents had lied to her like this!

"Enough! Mum, Dad, what are the two of you trying to do? You lied to me so that I would come here to meet him? Don't the two of you know that he was the one who destroyed Mufan Group? And I was nearly killed by him too! And because of him, Qing Tan is still lying in hospital right now!"

"I really don't get it. Why don't the two of you use your brains or have a stand on anything you do? I will say this one more time. I am already married. I will only be Ye Fan's wife, and I will marry nobody else but Ye Fan. Everyone else can forget it!" Qiu Mu-Cheng's eyes were bloodshot. She was going insane from how angry she was with her parents.

Even though Xur Shao-Hua hadn't said anything, Qiu Mu-Cheng knew her parents well enough to know what they were up to.

They had lied to her to make her come here so that they could matchmake her with Xur Shao-Hua.

But Qiu Mu-Cheng simply couldn't understand why her parents refused to learn from the past. She had quarreled with them so many times because they kept doing such things and Ye Fan had completely fallen out with them too.

In the past, she could still understand their perspective a little. They despised Ye Fan for being a good-for-nothing who stayed at home to be a live-in son-in-law, so they desperately tried to get her a better husband.

But now?

Ye Fan had become the King of Jiangdong and held onto Mufan Group, a corporation worth millions.

Why were they still so discontent? Why were they still pulling such stunts?

"Shut up! You terrible girl! So you've even learnt to talk back to us now? I just knew a gangster like Ye Fan would be a bad influence on you! Look at you now! You're so rude and treat your parents so poorly! How dare you shout at us in public! We're your parents! Without us, you wouldn't exist!" shouted Han Li angrily at Qiu Mu-Cheng.

"It's true that we've lied to you, but why do you think we did that? We did that for your sake! No matter how amazing Ye Fan is, he's nothing but a gangster. It's true that he did quite well for a while previously and even established Mufan Group for you, and held onto millions in funds. But you know very well how he amassed all that power and wealth! He must have dabbled in illegal dealings to get all this! So even if Mufan Group didn't fall at Young Master Xur's hands, the government would eventually get to you. If that happened, then you wouldn't just go bankrupt, but you would have to go to jail as well."

"Anyway, Ye Fan's already dead, so even if you find a new husband now, you wouldn't be considered being unfaithful to him either," Han Li continued trying to change Qiu Mu-Cheng's mind.

But Qiu Mu-Cheng shook her head and said, "Mum, don't you feel the least bit guilty saying any of these things? You say that Ye Fan is a gangster and he attained his wealth through illegal means. Then tell me, who paid for the house you live in now? The jewelry you're wearing? Your daily living expenses? All of this is Ye Fan's money! When you spent all this money, you never talked about how this was dirty money! But now you actually have the cheek to say something like this? Don't you feel guilty? Don't you have any shame?"

Back when Ye Fan and Qiu Mu-Cheng first fell out with Han Li and Qiu Lei, they had moved out from Liuyuan Residential District in anger.

For a long time after that, Han Li and Qiu Lei didn't contact the couple either.

But after Mufan Group was established and Ye Fan was crowned the King of Jiangdong, the money grubber Han Li and Qiu Lei quickly went looking for their daughter.


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