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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 109

Liuyuan Residential District.

Han Li and Qiu Lei were almost driven mad with anger.

Qiu Mu-Ying's words had caused their family to lose face. The couple's faces flushed red with rage when they recalled the episode in the WeChat group.

"It's all your fault! If you weren't such a good-for-nothing!"

"Our family is being humiliated because you are so useless!"

Han Li was really upset by the episode in the WeChat group and, since there was no one else around, she decided to vent her humiliation and grievances on her husband. After a while, the sound of Han Li screaming startled Qiu Mu-Cheng out of her bedroom.

"Mom, what are you fighting about now? Can't you be quiet? I am still working, you know?" Qiu Mu-Cheng had been working from home these past couple of days, as her office at the company was not yet ready for occupation.

"Go look at the WeChat group yourself."

"That Qiu Mu-Ying, is a real piece of work," Han Li said viciously, as her body trembled with fury.

Qiu Mu-Cheng had no idea what was going on, so she picked up the phone and opened the WeChat app. At that moment, there were already more than a hundred messages in the Qius' group.

She started to go through the messages one line at a time. When she saw Qiu Mu-Ying's humiliating comments and the other Qius' belittling remarks against her, a terrible expression came over her face. Inwardly, Qiu Mu-Cheng seethed with rage.

"Mom, why were you trying to show off!"

"Who told you to invite them to dinner?"

"Did you ask for my opinion?"

"Now, look at what you have done! You have shamed our family in front of


"I have worked so hard to earn that one tiny shred of dignity for myself, and you just threw it all away!"

"In future, I don't want you interfering in my business!"

Qiu Mu-Cheng was overwhelmed with anger, and her eyes were flushed red as she screamed at her mother.

The Qius' snobbishness had angered her, but she was even angrier with her mother.

Qiu Mu-Cheng could put up with her mother wanting to invite their relatives to dinner. But she had been unexpectedly shocked when she saw her mother's sudden turnabout during the conversation. Not only had Han Li begged to be invited to Qiu Mu-Ying's dinner, but she had also brought up her daughter's name during the conversation.

"I don't care if you want to embarrass yourself, but don't drag me down with you!”

Qiu Mu-Cheng did not want to stay in the house one second longer than necessary. She had had enough. It was one thing for the Qius to humiliate her, but it was another thing for her own mother to let down and embarrass her.

If Han Li had not been so eager to show off, their family would not have lost face today.

"Look at your daughter!”

"How dare she pin the blame on me?"

"She went and married a good-for-nothing and dragged us down with her. So what right does she have to yell at me?"

Han Li's angry voice rang out from behind Qiu Mu-Cheng as she was walking away.

But Qiu Mu-Cheng did not want to listen to her mother. She shut the door with a bang, and walked away with reddened eyes.

She had had enough with her parents and her family.

Sometimes, Qiu Mu-Cheng wished she could just leave this home that was filled with strife and complaints.

Compared to her own home, Jianghai had felt like a more relaxing place.

But she could never just up and leave.

No matter how bad and snobbish Han Li was, she was still her mother.

Qiu Mu-Cheng could not just ignore the fact that Han Li had given birth to her and raised her.

"Mu-Cheng, what's wrong?”

The moment Qiu Mu-Cheng reached downstairs, she ran into Ye Fan.

In the past, Ye Fan had also mostly stayed away from home. Qiu Mu-Cheng had to go to work, and, right after completing the housework, Ye Fan would leave the house to wait for his wife to finish work.

There were people he could not afford to offend, but he could still hide from them.

At this moment, Ye Fan had just reached home. And when he saw his wife's blotchy eyes, he could not help feeling curious.

Qiu Mu-Cheng rubbed her eyes and answered nonchalantly, "It's nothing. Some sand got into my eyes."

Ye Fan was not a member of the Qius' WeChat group, so he knew nothing about the unpleasant incident between Han Li and the other Qius.

He did not know that Han Li had been humiliated in the WeChat group after announcing her intention to celebrate her daughter's promotion. He also had no idea that Qiu Mu-Ying had used the name of "Madam Chu" to invite all the Qius to dinner at Yunjing Hotel.

But even if Ye Fan had known, he would only smile and not give a damn.


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