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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1105

After Lu He made this announcement, an uproar went through the entire Lu family.

It was already bad enough that Lu He wasn't going to avenge his own son, but now, he was even going to remove his name from the family records and didn't want anybody to mention him ever again.

None of this seemed to make sense to the family, so it was only natural for all of them to be surprised.

"Oh dear. But I suppose Mr Lu is this furious because that Lu Ming-Feng must have done something really awful in Jiangdong."

"Exactly. If I had such an awful son, I would have broken his legs long ago. I wouldn't avenge such a useless and disgraceful son either."

Some of the Lu family members were discussing this matter quietly among themselves.

"Number five, watch your words! Are you tired of living?"

"Lu Ming-Feng was the most beloved grandson of Old Master Lu. If the old man hears what you just said, he'll definitely throw you out!"

Some others overheard the earlier conversation and quickly made sure that such things were left unsaid.

Meanwhile, over in Old Master Lu's room.

Lu Ming-Feng's mother was sobbing uncontrollably as she knelt in front of Old Master Lu.

"Dad, that heartless man actually wants to remove Ming-Feng from the family records! Ming-Feng was the grandchild you loved the most, so you have to speak up for him! Don't let Ming-Feng die for nothing!" She wailed. She didn't dare to go looking for Lu He, so she had no choice but to bring her case to Old Master Lu instead.

"This little bastard! How dare he remove my grandson's name! Don't worry, for as long as I am around, I will not let him do such a thing! If he dares to remove Ming-Feng from the family records, I will throw his name out as well!" Old Master Lu was really furious too.

Lu Ming-Feng was his favorite grandson, so he wasn't going to just sit around and not do anything about this.

"Thank you so much, Dad. You are really the one who loves Ming-Feng the most. But Dad, are you really going to let this matter go? Are you really going to let the eldest grandson of the Lu family just die for nothing like this?”

"Dad, Lu He only listens to you. Can't you talk him into avenging Ming-Feng?" She pleaded again. It was obvious that her anger wasn't going to abate until she had sought revenge for her son.

But Old Master Lu sighed. "Ying, you're just a woman, so there are many things that you don't understand."

"It's not that He doesn't want to avenge Ming-Feng. But He is undergoing a test right now and this is a very important time for him. If he can pass the test, he will be able to reach new heights in his career. Then the Lu family's position in society will also rise along with him."

"If someone hears about how the Lu family has made use of our family influence to strike down someone less powerful during this time, then it will most certainly hurt both He's reputation as well as our family's standing very badly. Ying, you have to understand where He is coming from as well. He has the big picture in mind too. I'm sure you wouldn't want him to ruin his and the family's future because of one Ming-Feng, right?" said Old Master Lu slowly as he emphasized each point.

"But Dad, I'm really so upset about this. Ming-Feng was still so young, and he hadn't had the chance to be married and have children before dying so pitifully away from home. Yet his murderer is able to get away with this? The moment I think about it, my heart feels like it's been stabbed by a knife, and I feel like I've disappointed Ming-Feng," she spoke and started crying again.

Old Master Lu felt bad when he saw how his daughter-in-law simply couldn't stop crying.

"Ying, go back and rest first. I'll think of a way to settle this matter. Don't worry, Ming-Feng was my favorite grandson, so I won't let him die for nothing. When you go out, call number two and three in without letting number one see them. If he spots them, he'll start jumping up and down again," said Old Master Lu in a low voice. He looked like he had found a perfect way to avenge his grandson.

In no time, she had left the room and called Lu He's two younger brothers to their father's room.

"Dad, is it really ok for us to do this?"

"Will this affect He?"


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