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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1109

But while everyone was amazed at how these property magnates were rich enough to decorate an entire city, a middle aged lady was among the crowd and was alarmed to hear what they were talking about.

If Qiu Mu-Cheng were here, she would have recognized this lady immediately. This lady was the wife of her father's second brother, Jiang Hong.

Everyone in the Qiu family was familiar with Chu Wen-Fei's name.

Besides Ye Fan, the other non-Qiu family member who had made a splash in the family was this Chu Wen-Fei.

When Qiu Mu-Ying had gotten herself attached to this rich man's son, the entire Qiu family was very excited.

All of them started to look at Qiu Mu-Ying differently because of this.

They once thought that Qiu Mu-Ying was going to marry into a rich and powerful family, and live a life of luxury soon.

At that time, Qiu Mu-Ying was the envy of all the cousins in the family.

Nobody ever asked after Qiu Mu-Cheng.

But fate often had a way of playing tricks on people.

It didn't take long for Chu Wen-Fei to dump Qiu Mu-Ying, while the neglected Qiu Mu-Cheng ended up becoming the CEO of a billion dollar conglomerate with the help of her husband, Ye Fan.

"It's true that nobody knows what will happen in the future. It's simply too hard to predict," sighed Jiang Hong in her heart before returning to Old Master Qiu's house.

Qiushui Logistics and all its assets had been sold to service their debt.

The only thing that had left was this old and rundown house.

Qiu Mu-Cheng's uncles and their families now all lived in this ancient house.

After Jiang Hong got home, she told Qiu

Mu-Ying everything she had heard along the way back.

"What?! Wen-Fei is getting married?! That's impossible! Wen-Fei said he would come back for me! He said that once he had saved up enough and had control over the company, he would persuade his parents to let him marry me. He can't be getting married now. That's impossible!" Qiu Mu-Ying's eyes were bloodshot when she heard these words from her aunt.

Some months back, Chu Wen-Fei and Qiu Mu-Ying's wedding had to be put aside because of the tragic events that befell the Qiu family.

The Chu family didn't like Qiu Mu-Ying in the first place, and after the Qiu family went down, Chu Wen-Fei's parents absolutely refused to this marriage. But Chu Wen-Fei's heart was still with Qiu Mu-Ying and refused to listen to his parents.

In his anger, Chu Yang froze all of Chu Wen-Fei's bank accounts, cut off all his sources of income and even repossessed the house he was living in with Qiu Mu-


Since he didn't have any source of money, Chu Wen-Fei had no choice but to surrender and left Qiu Mu-Ying to return home instead.

But before leaving, Chu Wen-Fei had promised Qiu Mu-Ying that once he had enough money and had control over his family business, he would come back to marry her.

So, for the past six months, Qiu Mu-Ying had been waiting for him. She had been dreaming of that luxurious life she would lead once she married into his family.


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