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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 111

Jiang Hong was agitated, as if she had just seen a ghost.

She would never have expected the person she had just run into to be their live-in son-in-law, Ye Fan.

"You don't freaking mind?"

"Screw you!"

"You are just a good-for-nothing live-in son-in-law! Do you have the right to mind anything?"

"You are making me laugh! You are just a poor live-in son-in-law from the countryside! How dare you try to act cool and tell me you don't freaking mind!"

Jiang Hong laughed angrily. She thought Ye Fan was a complete moron.

In her opinion, only a real VIP had the right to say "I don't mind” to her. A poor bumpkin who had merely gotten lucky and married into her family had no right to say the same line.

"Where does your confidence freaking come from?"

Jiang Hong scolded disdainfully. She felt that she must have been really unlucky to bump into a person like him.

Meanwhile, the other Qius were attracted by the sound of her shouting. And all of them were also shocked to see Ye Fan, when they turned to see where the noise was coming from.

"Ye Fan?"

"Damn! That fellow is everywhere!"

"Even though you weren't invited, you shamelessly followed us here the last time. And you are doing this again today? How thick-skinned can you be?"

"Did we freaking invite you?"

Qiu Mu-Ying lashed out angrily at Ye Fan.

In her opinion, Ye Fan was the most shameless man she had ever met.

"That's right. As they say, a shameless man can do anything he wants," Jiang Hong said in disgust.

"Auntie Jiang Hong. Qiu Mu-Ying. Don't misunderstand. We did not follow you here. We were invited by someone else to dine here. It has nothing to do with you." Just then, Qiu Mu-Cheng interjected in a cold voice. She had just spotted her relatives upon her return from a trip to the ladies.

Wang Qiao-Yu burst out laughing when she heard this. "You people? Who would invite you to dine at a five-star hotel? Stop joking. I think you are here because you want to share Wen-Fei's limelight and freeload off us."

"You have already freeloaded off us once. How dare you try to do it again. I have never met anyone as shameless as you two."

At this moment, Chu Wen-Fei stepped forward and smiled lightly. "Mom, there is no need to argue with these people. Since they are insisting that they have their own dinner function to attend, then let them be. They are rich, after all."

"Oh yeah, Mr. Wang? Did you hear that? Although we are relatives, but that couple over there will not be dining with us. So when it is time to settle the bill, please separate theirs from ours. Do not give them any freebies or discount their meals, out of consideration for me."

"After all, it is not easy to make a living nowadays. Money don't grow on trees, you know? You must not give in to those mercenary people who keep trying to take advantage of you.”

"Do you hear me?"

Chu Wen-Fei sneered as he patted the manager's shoulder.

However, Mr. Wang, the front desk manager, was too frightened to speak. So he looked at Ye Fan for instructions.

And Ye Fan nodded in agreement. "That's right. Mr. Wang, just do as Mr. Chu said. When it is time to settle the bill, you do what you think is right. Don't let anyone sway your decision."

After saying his piece, an unfathomable smile danced on Ye Fan's lips as he turned to leave with his wife.

"That piece of trash sure can act cool, huh?"

"Does he really think that just anyone can afford a meal here?"

"Without our Wen-Fei to foot the bill, let's see how he is going to pay for his meal." Qiu Mu-Ying and her family laughed smugly when they imagined Ye Fan's impending embarrassment.

"That's right, that's right. They are really oddballs. They are so prideful, even though they are here to freeload off us.”

"They are trying too hard to keep up appearances!" The Qius were all ridiculing Ye Fan and Qiu Mu-Cheng. The couple had become the butts of jokes for their relatives.

"Alright. They are just a couple of clowns who won't amount to anything. You don't have to get mad at them and ruin the mood for the evening."

"Quick, take your seats, everybody."

"Just concentrate on eating when the food arrives.”

"You can have anything you want. Just pick the expensive items on the menu."

"I, Chu Wen-Fei, am not in want of money!"

Chu Wen-Fei was feeling bold. After all, Shen Jiu-Yi had already assured him that all his meals here would be comped. He had nothing to be afraid of. This was such a good opportunity for him to show off, and he was going to spare no effort to do so.

After his short speech, Chu Wen-Fei and his wife started to usher their relatives to their seats.

Chu Wen-Fei also acted boldly when it was time to place his order.

He simply flipped through the menu, page after page, without paying attention to the prices.

"Wen-Fei, that's enough. We can't even finish the Manchu-Han Imperial Feast.

What's the point of ordering more dishes?"

"Isn't this wasteful?" Jiang Hong and the others chimed in to persuade Chu Wen-Fei to order less food.

But Chu Wen-Fei and Qiu Mu-Ying paid no heed to their words.

"It's fine, auntie Jiang Hong."

"We can afford this!"

"Order a few more dishes. You should sample everything."


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