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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 113

"What... What do you want?"

As they were being surrounded by the mass of heavily built guards, the Qius turned pale. They started to panic and held the bottles of wine in front of their bodies, as if they were going to use the bottles to defend themselves.

"What do we want? Nothing much."

"Either you settle your bill, or we call the police."

"In conclusion, if you don't pay up, none of you will be allowed to leave."

Clearly, Mr. Wang had blown his top.

Originally, he had not wanted to carry things too far. After all, the Qius were Ye Fan's relatives. But who would have thought that the Qius would be so arrogant. Especially that woman who had acted so unreasonably and called him a "wretch."

Mr. Wang was a somebody after all, so he was not going to stand for such insults from the Qius. It was only natural for him to get angry.

"Wen... Wen-Fei, what are we going to do?" Wang Qiao-Yu asked nervously. She was afraid of getting beat up.

The Qius had all turned as white as sheet. Besides panic, they also felt shame.

Because, at this very moment, many onlookers were using their phones to record the spectacle happening in the hotel lobby. Good grief! If this incident made its way onto the internet, they would surely become net celebrities the very next day.

"Wen-Fei, don't fight with them. Just settle the bill." Qiu Guang felt really embarrassed, so he tried to persuade Chu Wen-Fei to resolve the problem with money.

But Qiu Mu-Ying opposed the suggestion. She did not mind spending the money, but she did mind losing face.

Tonight's banquet was supposed to be an opportunity for her husband to showcase his clout with the Shens. If they paid up now, then what would become the point of this banquet?

And that was why, despite having been slapped, she continued to scream in rage: "You bastard!"

"You wretched thing! How dare you hit me?”

"You are finished!"

"Where is your boss? I want to see your boss!"

"You just wait. You are getting fired first thing tomorrow!"

Qiu Mu-Ying kept on screaming like a crazy person.

When Mr. Wang heard this, he broke out in a smile. "You want to see my boss? Do you think you are worthy enough?"

"Let me tell you again. Either you pay up, or I call the police!"

The manager sneered and took out his phone. He was getting ready to dial 110.

"Wen-Fei, forget it. Just settle the bill. It is going to be really embarrassing if we get ourselves thrown in jail." The Qius were a family of businessmen, so they were afraid of losing face.

Chu Wen-Fei also shared the same concern. If he really got himself arrested, his father would definitely give him a walloping.

Finally, Chu Wen-Fei gave in and went to settle his bill.

"It is my misfortune to run into a manager as ignorant as you."

"But just you wait. Once your boss finds out about this, you are going to be in big trouble!" With a sombre expression on his face, Chu Wen-Fei glared at Mr. Wang. And then he went to the front desk to settle his bill.

"Tell me! How much do I owe you!

"Do you really think I can't afford to pay my bill?"

Chu Wen-Fei threw his bank card at the front desk, where it landed with a piak sound.

"Sir, after the discount, the amount due for the private room, the set meals, the alcoholic beverages..."

"Comes to a total of 3680000."

When he saw the number on the bill, Chu Wen-Fei let out a mocking laugh. "Heh, I thought it would cost much more than this. Since you people were so upset about it. But it is only a little more than thirty thousand? There is forty thousand in my card. Go on, swipe it," Chu Wen-Fei said disdainfully. As he was talking, he dangled a cigarette from one hand in an attempt to look cool.

"Sir, please take a closer look. The amount is not thirty thousand but three million, six hundred and eighty thousand."

What... What... What?

Three million, six hundred and eighty thousand?

Chu Wen-Fei was dumbfounded. The moment he heard "three million, six hundred and eighty thousand," he sobered up immediately.

He stared with bulging eyes. Just then, he was so frightened that he lost his grip on the cigarette. It fell from his hand and landed on the floor.


"Have you made a mistake?"

"Three freaking million?"

"Are you freaking kidding me?"

Chu Wen-Fei almost went crazy.


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