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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1196

"He's just a nobody. Why would I not dare to kill him?" replied Ye Fan coolly.

His voice remained calm like the smooth surface of a lake, without any ripple of emotion.

It was as if he had just crushed an ant and not a man who had been an instructor of the military and a powerful martial artist.

"You...you have gone too far! You have no respect for authority at all!” Ye Fan's words had infuriated Wu Yang. His face was dark with rage as he tried to rein in his temper while reprimanding Ye Fan for his actions. "Ye Fan, do you really think you can do whatever you want because you have the backing of people like Lu Tian-He? Do you really think there's nothing I can do to you? I have every right to instruct every man in the military to shoot you down for the crime that you've just committed!”

Wu Yang's words appeared to be too harsh.

Alarm flashed across the faces of numerous soldiers.

Fear seized Ye Yu-Yan and her teammates.

They didn't care if they died, but they didn't want Ye Fan to suffer alongside them.

They didn't want him to be hunted down by Wu Yang and the military.

That wasn't what the Green Dragon Force wanted for their instructor.

Ye Fan didn't seem fazed by Wu Yang's threat at all. He laughed softly.

His laughter betrayed his scorn, disdain and utter callousness for Wu Yang's words.

"Do you really wish to kill me? You could try. I should warn you though. I never leave a debt unpaid or a grudge unsettled. Any man who tries to come after me will be hunted down by me in return."

Ye Fan's softly uttered words exploded like bombs in their midst.

The winds began to howl.

Despite the hundreds of meters that separated them, they could sense a murderous aura emanating from the smiling young man.

Countless faces turned pale then.

Ye Fan had made himself very clear.

If Wu Yang dared to issue an order and command these soldiers to kill Ye Fan, Ye Fan would retaliate and kill Wu Yang.

"Oh my god, is he mad? How could he speak this way to our commander-in-chief?"

Ye Fan's words had every soldier reeling back in shock.

Wu Yang was the commander-in-chief of the three armies. Under his command were hundreds of thousands of soldiers.

Few men dared to defy such a powerful man.

Yet this young man standing before them had sworn that he would get his just and equal pound of flesh if Wu Yang dared to make an enemy of him.

His words had undoubtedly caused Wu Yang great offense and insult.

There was no way Wu Yang wasn't going to be infuriated.

"You're really something, Ye Fan. How dare you threaten me! We shall see who falls first. Will you be trampled by my legions of men first or will I die by your hand first?" growled Wu Yang.

He was the commander-in-chief of the three armies. There was no way he was going to stand by and let a young punk hurl threats of death at him.

He was going to make this audacious young man eat his words. The latter was going to regret what he had said when he was riddled with bullets and lay in a pool of his own blood.

He was going to pay for his arrogance with his life!


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