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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1198

The words of the Green Dragon Force erupted like bombs in their midst.

The force of their solemn declaration sent everyone's ears ringing.

Wu Yang nearly fainted from sheer anger.

He lifted a trembling finger at Ye Yu-Yan and her teammates.

"You...how dare you...I'm the commanderin-chief of this military camp! I'm the one whose orders you should be obeying! How dare you disobey me and answer to him instead! Aren't you afraid of being stripped of your military office and cast out of the military like this young punk?” Wu Yang's voice shook with fury as he bellowed at the Green Dragon Force.

The members of the Green Dragon Force appeared unfazed by Wu Yang's threatening words.

"You don't have to go through all that trouble. The Green Dragon Force formally resigns from the Jiangdong military. From this day, we will have nothing to do with the Jiangdong military," said Ye Yu-Yan dispassionately.

"You...you...” Ye Yu-Yan's cold words were like an icy dagger stabbing repeatedly into Wu Yang's heart.

Wu Yang could not have expected this. He had lost to a young punk.

The Jiangdong military had lost to a man whom they had expelled from their midst. Its appeal could not compare to the latter's.

"Commander Wu, please accept our apologies. The military is the one who let us down first. You cannot blame us for doing the same. We bid you farewell!" the members of the Green Dragon Force said in unison before they began to head towards Ye Fan.

Their strides were steady as they walked resolutely away from what had been an absolute hellhole.

"You're a bunch of ingrates! All of you! I must have been blind when I allowed you to join the military!"

"Think of all that the country provided for you! Think of how well the military treated you! Is this how you pay us back? With betrayal? What ingrates!" Wu Yang howled like a madman at the Green Dragon Force.

No one blamed Wu Yang for his complete loss of composure. The Green Dragon Force's declaration was akin to a slap to Wu Yang's face. They had just humiliated him in public.

He had been embarrassed in front of his soldiers as the veneer of his authority had been exposed for all to see.

Of course, no one could blame the Green Dragon Force for what they had just done either.

The Jiangdong military had done them wrong in the first place.

They had joined the military because they had wanted to serve as soldiers and protect their nation.

Yet, what they had suffered in the military in the past two weeks had caused them to become utterly disillusioned.

The flames of passion that they had when they had first entered the military had been thoroughly doused after enduring the humiliation and abuse that Chen Lan and his lackeys had put them through.

Perhaps it was true that Wu Yang did not intend to do this to them.

But he was the overall commander of the Jiangdong military after all and should take responsibility for what had happened.

He should have been held accountable for his folly in picking the wrong man for the job and for giving a tyrant and a bully free rein in his military camp.

Chen Lan had tried to kill Ye Yu-Yan and her teammates tonight.

That last attempted act of coldblooded murder had killed whatever remnants of loyalty that the Green Dragon Force had had towards the military.

Ye Fan, on the other hand, had done the complete opposite. He had taught them and groomed them into the powerful fighters they were, and he had traversed thousands of miles to save them.

That alone placed the Green Dragon Force in his eternal debt.

That had been why they had not hesitated when made to choose between Ye Fan and the Jiangdong military.

The Green Dragon Force followed Ye Fan as he headed away from the Jiangdong military camp.

"Commander Wu, we can't let them leave just like that. Please issue an order and have them shot down. They've betrayed the military and insulted you. They deserve a thousand deaths for their crimes!” urged Lin Qing-He as he watched Ye Fan and the Green Dragon Force depart.


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