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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1207

"This...is that...Lu Tian-He?"

Everyone's eyes turned and landed on Lu Tian-He.

Hostility flickered across the eyes of many when they realized whom it was who had just spoken.

The instructor of the Jiangbei military was one of them.

"I was wondering who that might be. So, it's our great general, Lu Tian-He. The Yanjing military's come in last for the past three years. It's hard to take General Lu's words seriously. Even the chief instructor who won last year's championship wouldn't have spoken as confidently as you have, general," scoffed Han Ping with mockery clear in his eyes.

Han Ping had been displeased by Lu Tian-He's accusatory tone and had retaliated with mockery.

Lu Tian-He was not cowed by Han Ping's words of scorn though.

"Let not the kettle call the pot black, Instructor Han," he retorted. "I remember thrashing you thoroughly three years ago. It appears that that lesson had not taught you humility at all!"

"You...” Han Ping shook with rage.

Lu Tian-He seemed to have discarded all tact as he spoke about Han Ping's mortifying defeat openly.

Han Ping was instantly reminded of what had happened during the previous contest.

Three years ago, the Yanjing military had come in last and had been eliminated from the contest in the first round. Its participants had been injured severely as well.

As the instructor of the Jiangbei military and the champion team, Han Ping had mocked Lu Tian-He openly.

Lu Tian-He had flown into a rage and given Han Ping a good thrashing in public. Han Ping had been severely beaten and utterly humiliated.

The mention of that incident was akin to hitting Han Ping a second time.

Han Ping wasn't going to take the insult lying down though.

"I had gotten ill and was recovering from my illness then. I wasn't exactly in tip-top shape. That was how you managed to beat me," said Han Ping frostily. "If you dare insult me this way again, I'll make sure you pay for it. We'll settle all our grudges once and for all then!"

"Is that so? We shall see then," scoffed Lu Tian-He before disregarding Han Ping completely and leading the Green Dragon Force off to have their names registered for the contest.

It was then that Lin Qing-He caught a glimpse of the young men and young woman walking behind Lu Tian-He.

"Isn't that the Green Dragon Force? You again...you scoundrels, how dare you step foot into a military camp again! You've already been driven out of the military! Get out of here!" thundered Lin Qing-He.

Lin Qing-He held no grudges against the members of the Green Dragon Force. The one he truly hated to the core was Ye Fan.

These young men and young woman had chosen Ye Fan over the military and Lin Qing-He abhorred them for it.

That was why he had hurled curses at the Green Dragon Force without regard for their past comradeship.

The Eagles Force stared at the Green Dragon Force with equal disdain and scorn. This was no place for the Green Dragon Force.

"You've been expelled from the military. Why are you here? Your names have been struck off the registry. You have no right to be here," said Lin Fan, the team leader of the Eagles Force, with a mirthless smile.


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