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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1209

They couldn't have foreseen this. All those months of hard work for nothing.

They didn't fear failure or pain. They simply didn't expect to not be given a chance to prove themselves at all.

When they heard that they had been disqualified from the contest, Ye Yu-Yan and her teammates had been overcome by the sudden urge to burst into tears.

They had worked so hard and for what? All they had wanted was to prove their worth.

They now stood in the arena. Yet, what they had encountered yet again had been injustice and an unfair treatment.

Anguish, frustration and rage rose like a tsunami inside them all and threatened to pull them under.

The loss and fury that they felt now was the equal of the hopes that they had felt at first.

All the hard work that they had poured into their training had been for nothing if they couldn't participate in the contest.

They had worked so hard for this day.

An unimaginable fury swelled inside their hearts when they heard that they had been disqualified.


"Give me a reason!"

"We passed the assessment. You told us to draw a lot. Why have you changed your mind?”

"Besides, we've already left Jiangdong.

The Green Dragon Force has nothing to do with the Jiangdong military. Why have you banned us from participating in the contest? Why have we been disqualified?"

Tai Shan and his teammates howled in protest and fury. Li Zi-Yang's eyes had turned red with anger as he roared at the man in the arena.

"You want a reason? It's because of your insubordination and your utter lack of honor. It's because you're criminals in the eyes of the Jiangdong military. You're just a bunch of ragtag hooligans. You don't deserve to share the stage with the prodigies of our great military. We don't want to dirty our hands fighting you! Get your asses out of here!" Han Ping stepped forward and thundered at the Green Dragon Force.

Lin Qing-He had stepped forward as well. The glint of malice in his eyes shone brightly as he eyed the Green Dragon Force.

He burst into a laughter that brimmed with arrogance.

"I told you, didn't I? There's no future for traitors who betrayed the Jiangdong military. You're just a bunch of good-for-nothings. Do you truly believe that you can get away with what you've done just because you have Lu Tian-He backing you? Dream on! Good-for-nothings are good-for-nothings no matter where they are. I drove you out of Jiangdong and I can do the same to you in Jiangbei!"

"It must be you! You've done something, haven't you?"

"You bastard, how could you resort to such underhanded means? That's hardly honorable at all!"

"I dare you to have the Eagles Force fight us like real soldiers!"

Ye Yu-Yan and her teammates realized what had happened instantly.

They knew why the organizing party had disqualified them and why the chief instructors of the other military camps were driving them out of Jiangbei.

Lin Qing-He had been the mastermind behind everything.

"You're not fit to fight the Eagles Force that I've personally trained! I'll be honest with you. I don't want you in this contest. I want all your efforts to go to waste. I want you burning with rage. You only have yourselves to blame. You picked the wrong master. I want you and that young punk to know the consequences of incurring my wrath and the wrath of the Jiangdong military. Run back and tell your Instructor Chu that if he wants you in this contest, he'll have to get on his knees and beg me," snarled Lin Qing-He. The thought of Ye Fan filled him with a burning rage.

Ye Fan had wrecked his plans with his arrival at the Jiangdong military.

The young man had maimed one of his friends and killed the other.


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