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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1211

It wasn't appropriate for someone his stature to hit a man who was down, but Lin Qing-He cared nothing for his reputation or his name right now.

All he wanted to do right now was to vent the fury boiling inside him.

He sent a few hard kicks at Lu Tian-He before he finally ceased his assault.

Lu Tian-He was lying in a pool of his blood, faint spasms coursing through his body as he hovered on the verge of death.

The attacks that Han Ping and the others had unleashed upon him had caused him severe injury.

A few soldiers from the Jiangbei military couldn't bear the sorry sight of him anymore. They hurried over and asked if they should send General Lu to the hospital.

"The hospital? Just leave him be. Don't worry. The man's got coarse skin and thick bones. He won't die that easily," barked Lin Qing-He as he reprimanded the men who had tried to help Lu Tian-He. "Alright, we've wasted enough time as it is. The Green Dragon Force's no longer in the contest and Lu Tian-He's been taken care of. Let us get on with the contest."

The spectators turned their attention back to the contest again.

No one paid Lu Tian-He any heed as he lay lifelessly on the ground. No one could tell if he were still alive.

Meanwhile, Ye Fan was making the last of his preparations for the Invoke the Celestial Sky Formation. Naturally, he had no idea what was going on in Jiangbei.

According to what he had planned, he would have to begin setting up the formation soon.

After a few months of deliberation, he decided to set up a supplementary formation in Yanjing that would serve as protection for the Xu family.

"Once the formation in Yunzhou is complete, I'll be able to establish a connection across all three locations and from the south to the north. Yunzhou will be the primary formation while Jingzhou and Yanjing serve as supplementary formations. These three defensive formations will serve as defense and protection for my family and friends. If I don't survive the storming, Lei, Mu-Cheng and the others will still have a place they can call home and a place they can retreat to in times of danger," murmured Ye Fan as he studied the mansion before him. It was slowly but surely taking shape.

What he saw in his dark unfathomable eyes was not the land before him but the future and its infinite and myriad unknowns.

The years of living a dangerous life had instilled in Ye Fan the habit of planning for the worst.

He had to settle the grudge he had with the Chu family.

But before he did so, he had to make sure that his family and friends remained safe.

Ye Fan had thought that Qiu Mu-Cheng simply had to grow powerful enough and that would make her safe against all dangers.

He had given her a multimiIIion-dollar empire and a stronghold in Jiangdong. He had groomed loyal men like Li Er and Lei San.

With those, Ye Fan had provided Qiu Mu-Cheng her first layer of defense.

He had thought that it would be enough to protect Qiu Mu-Cheng and his family and provide them with a safe haven in Jiangdong.

But what had happened in Jiangdong during his absence had rid him of his childish hopes.

He had realized then that his supposed gifts to Qiu Mu-Cheng could only provide her safety from dangers in the mundane world.

But they were useless when it came to shielding her from dangers coming from the martial arts circle.

Otherwise, Lu Ming-Feng and Xur Shao-Hua couldn't have nearly leveled everything that Ye Fan had built in Jiangdong. They had been able to because they had had a grandmaster in tow when they had tried to annex Jiangdong.

The entire Ye Family had nearly been massacred.

In order to protect his family and friends from martial artists, Ye Fan had to resort to building the Invoke the Celestial Sky Formation.

With the formation in place, Ye Fan's family and friends would be safe from martial artists.

No matter how powerful a grandmaster might be, he would find it a challenge to get through the defensive formation.


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