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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1214

Lin Fan's arrogant laughter reverberated in the camp.

He had just clinched the top position in the individual challenge and was basking in his victory. His words were brimming with arrogance and pride while his eyes were filled with condescension and disdain as he stared at the Green Dragon Force.

Lin Fan and his team believed that the Green Dragon Force was beneath their notice.

A hard, icy look appeared in Ye Yu-Yan's eyes when she heard what Lin Fan had said.

She looked up and stared icy daggers at Lin Fan. "Are you responsible for my teacher's injuries?"

"So, what if we are? That old man dared to attack my father. He should thank his lucky stars that we decided to be merciful and spare his life. As his student, you should get on your knees and thank the Eagles Force for not killing him," said Lin Fan nonchalantly as he shoved his hands into his pockets.

His words of mockery sent the members of the Eagles Force behind him bursting into laughter.

"You...you..." Ye Yu-Yan trembled with rage.

The sight of her fury merely fueled Lin Fan and his teammates' smugness.

"What about us? Ye Yu-Yan, don't mistake yourself as some princess of the Jiangbei military just because you're the team leader of the Green Dragon Force. You're just a loser. The Eagles Force is the one that represented the Jiangdong military in the contest. You're just a bunch of good-for-nothings. How dare you raise your voice at me!"

As Lin Fan and his teammates taunted the Green Dragon Force, Lin Qing-He turned his eyes towards Ye Fan.

"Young punk, you killed our instructor and disrupted order in the Jiangdong military. Commander Wu was merciful enough to spare your life. How dare you appear before us again! You don't seem repentant at all. Are you going to speak on behalf of the Green Dragon Force and fight for your useless students? This isn't Jiangdong! The chief instructors of the other military camps are here today and they have brought their armies of soldiers with them. There are tens of thousands of soldiers standing guard outside. You don't stand a chance against them!" said Lin Qing-He threateningly as a cold glint flashed across his eyes.

"Commander Lin, is this the young man whom the Jiangdong military fired? Instructor Chu? He's just a kid. He's not even old enough to be my grandson. How could you let such a young kid take over the office of chief instructor? That's ridiculous!” Han Ping said with a laugh as he shook his head. The other instructors were eying Ye Fan as well after having heard what Lin Qing-He had said.

Lin Qing-He sighed. "It is, isn't it? I opposed his appointment but I couldn't persuade Commander Wu to change his mind. Look at the trouble that we ended up with! Fortunately, we managed to salvage the situation before it was too late.

Otherwise, the Jiangdong military's going to be the laughingstock of the military in this contest."

Ye Fan had been silently inspecting Lu Tian-He's injuries all this while. He looked up then and studied the men before him.

"Are you the ones who got the Green Dragon Force disqualified? Did you injure Lu Tian-He?"

His voice was cold and devoid of any emotion. It was as if he was interrogating a criminal.

The tone naturally made Han Ping and the others frown with displeasure.

These men were commanders and chief instructors and all of them high-ranking officers in the military who were treated with nothing but respect and awe. It had been years since someone had spoken to them so abrasively.

"How dare you! Punk, you're just a man who's been cast out of the military. A loser!

How dare you speak to us this way! You should know your place!" thundered Lin Qing-He.

"Father, why are we wasting words on him? Men like him don't know remorse until it's beaten into them. All he needs is a good lesson. I'm going to break his legs and make him kneel before you and beg for your forgiveness!" said Lin Fan then as he volunteered to teach Ye Fan a lesson.

Lin Qing-He's only son walked up to Ye Fan.

He gave Ye Fan a onceover.


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