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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1217

"You bastard! I'm going to kill you!"

The sight of their comrade spitting blood out of his mouth as he flew into the distance colored the eyes of the last three standing members of the Eagles Force with rage.

They charged at the Green Dragon Force like madmen.

"Why bother? You're like moths throwing yourselves at a fire. You're just rushing to your deaths," laughed Ma Ming-Bo as he shook his head. The look that he gave the Eagles Force was filled with pity.

The five members of the Green Dragon Force launched into a merciless attack the next moment.

They charged at their enemies and unleashed a flurry of attacks.

The champion team appeared defenseless against the Green Dragon Force's relentless attack.

One was sent flying with a single slap to the face while another sent tumbling with a hard kick.

When the Eagles Force tried to mount a counterattack, they found themselves unable to break through the Green Dragon Force's defense.

This wasn't a fight. This was a massacre.

Everyone was dumbstruck by the sight unfolding before them.

Gasps of shock erupted amidst the crowd.

"Heavens! What the hell is going on?"

"They're freaks! All of them!"

"The champion team is being thrashed by the Green Dragon Force! Look at that!"

Han Ping's eyes had widened in shock.

Zhu Rong was in utter disbelief. Everyone's jaws had dropped collectively.

The Eagles Force didn't seem to stand a chance against the Green Dragon Force at all.

They could barely defend themselves.

The Green Dragon Force was giving hits without taking any at all.

"Are these the losers Lin Qing-He was talking about? These supposed good-for-nothings who were driven out of the Jiangdong military? If they are losers, what do we call the Eagles Force then? They're worse than good-for-nothings at this rate, aren't they?" pointed out someone in the crowd with a trembling voice.

As the instructor of the Eagles Force, Lin Qing-He was completely stupefied.

He had been dumbstruck when the Green Dragon Force had gotten on the offensive.

He had not expected the Green Dragon Force to be that powerful.

He had not expected his pride and joy, the Eagles Force, to be kicked around like hapless dolls.

"This...this isn't possible! Ye Fan's just a young punk. How did he manage to develop such a powerful team? This is impossible!"

Lin Qing-He couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing.

He simply couldn't believe that a nobody like Ye Fan had managed to train what had been defenseless young soldiers into such powerful fighters within such a short period of time.

The Eagles Force had attained their current strength because they had studied the manual that Chen Lan had left them and practiced the techniques inside.

How about the Green Dragon Force? What had been the source of their transformation?

Ye Fan appeared composed while everyone struggled to recover from their shock at witnessing the Green Dragon Force's prowess in battle.

The young man wasn't surprised at all.

It might have been mere months ago when he had set up the Green Dragon Force, yet during these few months, the Green Dragon Force had been practicing the Green Dragon Technique that he had taught them and soaking their bodies in the special medicinal bathwater that his great grandmother had concocted for them every night. They had grown stronger every day.

Their physical strength and resilience were now many times stronger than that of an ordinary man.

Ye Fan didn't have to teach them any special moves or techniques. Their sheer physical strength and brute force allowed the Green Dragon Force to unleash overpowering attacks with a simple kick or punch.


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