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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1220

Upon Ye Yu-Yan's command, the members of the Green Dragon Force moved into place.

Two stood in front, two at the back, and one in the center of their formation.

The five had sat down. Their eyes were shut tightly as their arms were stretched out on either side of them in an invisible embrace.

They were chanting softly.

"What are they doing? This is a fight to the death! Have they given up all hopes of winning and are just going to sit there and be killed?"

Amidst the heated discussions on the Green Dragon Force's bizarre move, sudden winds began to stir uneasily around them.

What had been clear skies darkened.

Wintry winds rushed from all corners and charged towards them. Sand and stone were swept into the air. Dark clouds amassed in the skies and obscured the


In the distance, thunder rumbled as lightning flashed intermittently.

The skies appeared to be boiling as the forces of nature roiled and churned.

As if uncontrollably drawn towards the latter, they rushed towards the Green Dragon Force relentless.

The members of the Green Dragon Force were akin to sponges as they absorbed the waves of energy that surged around them.

The power that exuded from their forms began to grow increasingly stronger and at increasingly rapid speed.

It was akin to watching a spark turn into a forest fire.

The terrifying power that emanated from the Green Dragon Force sent shivers of fear rippling through the chief instructors.

"Damnit! What's the Green Dragon Force up to now? Why are they capable of such power?" cursed Lin Qing-He with a stormy look on his face.

With the four special troops surrounding the Green Dragon Force, he had thought that the latter had been doomed.

Who could have foreseen that these rascals would have such a trump card hiding up their sleeves?

The power that they had unleashed had transformed the very heaven and earth.

"Instructor Han, you're the experienced martial artist. Do you know what move this is? It's affecting the very forces of nature!

Is it some kind of illusion?" asked Lin Qing-He.

Han Ping was silent and the look on his face betrayed no hint of emotion. He simply stared unblinkingly at the Green Dragon Force. It was obvious that he had no idea what was going on.

The special troops that had surrounded the Green Dragon Force were faring worse than their instructors.

The overwhelming power rushing from the Green Dragon Force had them trembling with fear. Their faces had paled with terror.

They could feel the overpowering sense of danger looming over them.

"Oh no! It's a Five-Point Attack!" blurted out Han Ping after a long moment of silence. Alarm flashed across his eyes. "They're preparing to combine their forces and unleash a powerful attack that's going to cause devastating damage. We must stop them before that happens. They can't be allowed to continue gathering their strength!”

Han Ping had realized the seriousness of the situation then. The sight of that formation coming together had them quaking in their boots.

The Green Dragon Force was merely gathering its strength at the moment. Once they were ready, they would unleash the power that they had gathered. That would put the special troops in grave danger.


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