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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1224

Almost one night after the battle, the soldiers finally found Zhu Rong's horrifyingly mangled body in the middle of the night. It was buried deep in that frightening looking channel in the ground.

Any normal person would have died after suffering such severe injuries, but Zhu Rong was a martial artist after all. Even though he was so badly injured and had remained buried for so long, he was actually still alive when the soldiers finally dug him out.

Everyone was truly amazed by Zhu Rong's incredible will to live.

"Base Commander Li, should we still search for Instructor Han?" someone asked the base commander of the Jiangbei military camp after they found the other two instructors.

The base commander didn't say anything at first. He turned to look at the palmshaped hole behind him that was already brown from dried blood, shook his head and sighed. "Search for Instructor Han? How? Go over to that hole over there, take

a handful of soil and send it to his family."

The base commander looked so upset. Who would have thought that the man he was still chatting happily with just the other day would end up as an unrecognizable mush of flesh and blood? He didn't even die in one good piece.

"Where is that Instructor Chu from? He's such an unyielding character, and he's so formidable too. He actually made the entire military camp submit to him singlehandedly!" The base commander felt cold sweat drip down his face when he thought about the battle earlier.

The memory of how Ye Fan had taken down the three chief military instructors with just one palm, one punch and one kick sent chills down his back.

Technically speaking, he was supposed to arrest Ye Fan for massacring so many men on his base and do justice for Han Ping and the rest. But that man had exuded such a frightening level of authoritativeness. He was so frightened that he could barely keep it together, never mind capture Ye Fan. He didn't even dare to say anything, and didn't even dare to breathe too loudly.

News of what happened in the Jiangbei military camp had not spread to other areas yet.

Nobody knew that their instructors and special troop soldiers had been completely annihilated.

The Jiangdong military camp was even in the midst of preparing a big feast to welcome Lin Qing-He and the rest back in victory.

After the competition ended in the morning, Lin Qing-He had called Wu Yang to say that the Jiangdong team was the champion in both the team and individual categories. The Eagles Force was the overall winner of the competition.

He also said that the entire team would be returning to Jiangdong the next day.

After hearing the news, Wu Yang was so excited that he couldn't sleep all night.

The first thing he did after waking up the next day was to instruct his troops to prepare a big feast and invite important guests to welcome Lin Qing-He and the troops home, as well as to celebrate their win.

"Commander Wu, congratulations! I heard that your subordinates won in Jiangbei."

"The Jiangdong military has won both the group and individual competitions! This is truly something that will go down in history!"

"The Jiangdong military has really made history under your leadership, Commander Wu!”

The restaurant within the military camp had already been decorated beautifully.

The military band was playing festive music and even the celebratory cannons were in place.

A brand new red carpet ran from the restaurant to the entrance of the military compound.


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