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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1233

"What do you think, Ye Fan? Are you willing to go? I'm sure that if you unleash your potential at the right moment, you'd definitely be able to thrash everyone else! Besides, no matter whether you succeed in this matter or not, War God Castle will reward you." Ye Qing-Tian looked at Ye Fan and waited for Ye Fan to make a decision.

Even though Ye Fan was the best person to lead such a team, Ye Qing-Tian knew that if Ye Fan refused to go, there was nothing he would be able to do about it.

After all, Ye Qing-Tian was only requesting for Ye Fan's help, so Ye Fan had the right to turn him down.

Ye Fan wasn't in a hurry to reply Ye Qing-Tian. He took a sip of tea, then asked, "So this is a mission given to me by the country?"

"Well, I wouldn't call it a mission. We're just asking for your help. If you don't want to do it, I won't force you to either. But I really hope you'd go. This concerns the state of our martial arts circle after all. You know how it's so hard to move from one level of martial arts to the next, and the most difficult stage is crossing from imminent grandmaster to grandmaster."

"The grandmaster ranking in China hasn't changed in decades. Why? It's because so many people get stuck at the stage before it and simply can't make a breakthrough. If we manage to get just one spirit energy fruit and allow all everyone who is at this stage to consume it, the chances of them becoming a grandmaster will rise to 80%! A grandmaster is like a dragon, so each additional grandmaster a country gets is very significant!" Ye Qing-Tian tried his best to persuade Ye Fan.

Even though a grandmaster was a long way to go from a supreme grandmaster, a grandmaster was more useful practically speaking.

The difference between a grandmaster and a supreme grandmaster was the same as the difference between standard artillery and nuclear weapons.

Were nuclear weapons powerful? Of course they were.

But would anybody use nuclear weapons during an ordinary fight? Only an idiot would do that.

If someone used a nuclear weapon, they would destroy the world with them.

Some of these weapons fulfilled the role of being merely a threat to the other party, while the ones used to actually fight the war were the standard artillery.

The martial arts world worked the same way. Even if two countries really had disagreements, they wouldn't send anybody higher than grandmaster level to fight it out.

It was very rare for supreme grandmasters to fight each other.

As a result, grandmasters became a lot more useful and necessary.

And this was also why Ye Qing-Tian made a personal visit to Ye Fan's house just to talk to him about fighting for spirit energy fruit.

Ye Fan couldn't help but chuckle when he heard what Ye Qing-Tian said.

"Don't just laugh! Are you going or not? Hurry up and tell me now! It's driving me crazy!"

Ye Qing-Tian was the most powerful martial artist in China, but he never put on any airs in front of Ye Fan, and he was always so easygoing and chatted with Ye Fan as if they were old friends.

"You've already said so much, so of course I have to go. I'll help you with this one.

Take it that I'm returning you a favor, and helping the country while I'm at it," Ye Fan finally agreed to it.


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