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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1244

"My goodness, Reilo, you're amazing! You even managed to chase out these powerful fighters from China."

"India's martial arts circle is getting more and more formidable. It won't be long before India becomes the most powerful in Asia."

Some people within the crowd in the restaurant knew Reilo and started exclaiming in admiration.

The martial arts world had gone through a lot of changes, and right now, there was one circle that rose above everyone else. That one circle wasn't a particular country - it was Chu Sect. The entire martial arts world recognized Chu Sect as the most powerful martial arts power, followed by the various martial artists from their respective countries.

China was a country with many millennia of martial arts history. Even though they had suffered a tremendous loss after their huge fight with Chu Sect, putting them several centuries back, the appearance of the six pillars of the nation helped to push China's martial arts back onto the scene in Asia.

But China's martial arts position wasn't the most stable.

Japan was now back on the rise with the reappearance of Tsukuyomi Tenshin, while India had also gone on a meteoric rise in recent years. 30 years ago, a martial arts genius, Brahma, had appeared, and the battle that shot him to fame was the one within the Amazon rainforest.

Back then, after a long drawn out battle, the Chinese got their hands on the spirit energy fruit.

But on their way out of the forest, Indian martial artists attacked them.

Even though he was faced with eight imminent grandmasters, Brahma managed to turn the tables on them singlehandedly. He killed four of China's imminent grandmasters and the rest who managed to escape were all injured.

As a result, Brahma became famous overnight, landing himself a spot in the international grandmaster ranking, and also making India the overall winner of the last fight for the spirit energy fruit.

With the help of the spirit energy fruit, India had groomed countless grandmasters over the last 30 years and their martial arts ability had improved by leaps and bounds. Many of them were famous internationally and was threatening to overpower China soon.

And now, Kong Ming had chosen to back off. Everyone left in the restaurant felt that there was really no stopping India from becoming more and more powerful in martial arts.

"Most powerful in Asia? It's only a matter of time. But the Indian martial arts circle is aiming for more than that," said Reilo proudly with a valiant and ambitious voice.

This wasn't his own ambition. This was the ambition of his country's martial arts circle!

Reilo didn't spend too much time on this topic. He turned back to the girl kneeling and crying in front of the old man on the floor.

"Young lady, there's nobody left to protect you now. Be good and come along with me, then you can be spared of more physical pain. Don't worry, I'll take good care of you tonight..." Reilo became even more audacious after the two Chinese martial artists had run off. His words were even more explicit now.

"Gosh, Reilo, what an animal you are. You won't even let a young girl like her off? Aren't you afraid of flattening her?”

"You have no idea, do you? Their country has this sort of tradition. They like them young."

Most martial artists were uncouth men, so there was a lot of dirty talk whenever they came together.

Reilo ignored all the onlookers.

He continued to stand where he was and looked at the crying girl as if he was

admiring his prey.

He loved the feeling of being able to kill at will and control other people's lives.

This gave him the satisfaction of a hunter.

But the girl ignored Reilo's words and continued to cry in the old man's arms.

Reilo was in no hurry since he didn't have anything else to do anyway. He ordered for more dishes and wine so that he could sit down and slowly watch this young lady continue to struggle pointlessly.

But the fight earlier had broken most of the tables and chairs in the restaurant, so even though there were enough tables for Reilo and his men to use, there weren't enough chairs.

Reilo looked around and his gaze eventually landed on a young man sitting in a corner.

"You over there! Get your chair over here so that I can have it!" yelled Reilo.

But the young man continued sitting in the corner and looked out of the window as he drank his tea, as if he hadn't heard a single thing. He didn't even glance at Reilo.

"Punk! Are you bloody deaf? I said, get that chair you're sitting on over here right now!" barked Reilo as he tried to suppress his anger. He sounded like a tiger that was ready to pounce on its prey.


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