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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 126

"You bastard! Are you playing me for a fool?"

When he heard what Ye Fan said, Xu Bao's expression froze right away. A cold light glinted in his eyes, while his face turned as sombre as a graveyard.

When the onlookers saw the look on Xu Bao's face, they knew that he was thoroughly enraged.

"This fellow has a death wish."

"He is still trying to show off even though he is backed into a corner?"

"Is he trying to get himself killed?"

One after another, many among the onlookers shook their heads and looked at Ye Fan with pity.

As for Li Xiao-Hong, she had already turned pale from fright. Right now, she was so worried that she nearly burst into tears.

Xu Bao stared coldly ahead as he continued to sit haughtily in his armchair.

He waved a hand and one of his underlings threw a metal bat at Ye Fan's feet.

"I will give you another chance to stay alive."

"Pick it up and break your leg with it. You do that and I will let this matter slide."

"Otherwise, I will kill you where you stand!!!”


Xu Bao's shout was filled with killing intent and it swept through the lobby like a hurricane.

The surrounding onlookers started to look panicky.

Only Xu Bao continued to sit haughtily in the armchair with his legs crossed. He had a cigar in one hand, while his other hand was busy fondling his female companion's butt. Just then, he looked like a king among men. And when his authoritative voice swept through the lobby, it

overwhelmed the crowd with awe!!!

Everyone had turned pale. Some onlookers in the crowd even advised Ye Fan to quit while the going was good. After all, losing a leg was a much better deal than losing his life.

But Ye Fan smiled lightly. He shook his head as he looked at Xu Bao, who was still seated haughtily and hugging his female companion.

"Once, there was a man like you. He too was sitting in a chair in the middle of the lobby. At that time, he was also smoking a cigar and hugging a woman. And just like what you are doing now, he also tried to show off in front of me. In the end, I kicked him like a ball. When I was finished with him, he had several broken ribs. His name was Sheng Tian. Maybe you two know each other."


When Xu Bao heard this, he swept his female companion aside and jumped out of his chair like a jack-in-the-box.

"You bastard! I dare you to say that again!"

"Mr. Tian is a bigwig in Jianghai! A brat like you has no right to insult someone like him!"

Xu Bao flew into a rage at once. And he glared so hard at Ye Fan that his eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

However, just as Xu Bao was about to order his underlings to beat the boastful young man to death, the door to the restaurant was pushed open with a loud bang.


The cold night wind found the opening and swept frantically into the restaurant.

Immediately afterward, a dozen or so burly men streamed in as well.

The new arrivals were all wearing suits and sunglasses. As they marched into the restaurant, their black leather shoes clacked heavily on the marble floor.

Upright like pine trees. Swift as the wind. And brimming with an awe-inspiring presence, they entered the restaurant.

"Where did these reckless fools come from?"

"How dare you barge into Mr. Bao's turf?”

When she saw the group of sudden intruders, Xu Bao's female companion started to lash out at the new arrivals like an angry chicken.

But Xu Bao's face turned pale when he caught side of the group's leader. And without further ado, he slapped his mouthy companion to the floor with a backhand.

"You stupid bitch! Shut your mouth right now!"

"How dare you insult these gentlemen?"

Xu Bao was so frightened that he nearly wet himself. After delivering his scolding, he hurried forward to welcome the new arrivals.

"Mr. Shen, what an honor to have you here. Forgive me for not coming out to meet you."

Xu Bao bowed his head and bent his body forward; his demeanor was so respectful that it made him look as insignificant as dirt.

At this moment, he could feel his heart quaking within him, as he pondered the reason for Shen Jiu-Yi's visit.


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