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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1288

"Mike, what are you talking about? Why should I forget about Fan?" Angie was beginning to get angry as she did not understand why her brother had said those words.

She had thought her brother would praise her for making a friend like Ye Fan. But what Mike Jones had said was like pouring a pail of cold water over her head. Angie was crestfallen because of what Mike Jones had said.

"This is not a discussion. I'm telling you not to have any more dealings with this guy. The path he is taking is a different one from ours and we are after very different things. Besides, he killed a Chu Sect elder and took the spirit energy fruits from us. The sect leader will not let him off once I have this reported and by then, Ye Fan will become an enemy of Chu Sect! So, for the sake of yourself and the Jones family, you have to sever all ties with him," Mike Jones said these with a commanding voice and a solemn expression.

Angie's eyes turned red when she heard what her brother had said.

It had not been easy for her to find someone whom she could call a friend.

But now, her brother not only wanted her to sever ties with this friend but also to treat him like an enemy.

How could a young lady like her accept this easily?

"No! Fan is my only friend. I will not sever ties with him and I will not allow you guys to hurt him. I will not allow it!” Angie shook her head vehemently and her beautiful eyes had turned red with tears.

Soon, those tears were streaming down her face. Although it was hard to tell if her choked voice was due to anger or sadness, her sorrowful look was enough to move anyone who could see her now.

"Calm down, Angie. I'm doing this for your own good. Chu Sect will not allow anybody to sully their prestige! The elder Ye Fan had killed was at grandmaster level and so, if you refuse to stay on our side, you will be harmed sooner or later," Mike Jones had softened when he saw how upset her sister was and tried to persuade her gently as he wiped her tears away.

"I don't care about taking the side of the sect. Fan is very good to me and so, he is a good guy and my friend. If you guys want to hurt Fan, then all of you are the bad guys and my enemies!" Angie screamed at Mike Jones as she knocked his hand away.

Sometimes, the world in a child's eyes was just so simple and pure.

To a child, there were no sides to choose, and they didn't have to care about right and wrong. Children determined if a person was good or bad simply based on whether the person had treated the child well.

This was just like how in the eyes of Angie, Ye Fan was still the friend that she trusted and could rely on even if he had killed a Chu Sect elder and harmed the interest of the sect.

Angie turned and ran off in the direction where Ye Fan had left.

She needed to tell Fan that Chu Sect wanted to kill him for revenge. He had to find a hiding place.

But how could Mike Jones allow his sister to make another mistake?

"Stop her and send her back home immediately. Make sure she is well-guarded!" With one command from Mike Jones, the powerful martial artists from Chu Sect rushed up to Angie and had her captured immediately. They even took away the spirit energy fruits which Ye Fan had given to her.

They prepared to send the young lady back to her family.

Soon, the members of Chu Sect had left the place.

The rest of the martial artists from other countries were still unhappy and rushed into the waterfall hoping to find a fruit or two that had been missed by Ye Fan.

But it was to no avail. It was only their wishful thinking.

How could Ye Fan make such a basic mistake?


"Looks like we've made another wasted trip this year."

"I didn't expect Chu Sect to be embroiled in this hunt though."

"And they had even sent out an elder to participate in the hunt."

After a long search, they finally gave up and accepted the cruel fact that there were no spirit energy fruits left for them.

However, in the midst of their disappointment, they felt that something was amiss.


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