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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1296

Chu Sect might be one of the most powerful and prestigious sects in the martial arts circle, but to Ye Fan, whose history with the sect had been tainted with pain and cruelty, the sect brought no appeal and only invoked disgust and abhorrence.

"Ye Fan, you don't have to worry about that. The martial arts circle doesn't care about where you come from. It only cares for power and strength. With your gifting, you stand a chance at becoming the Red Guardian even if you can't become the sect leader. As a Red Guardian, you're second only to the sect leader in Chu Sect and hold authority over the rest of the sect."

The most powerful person in Chu Sect was the sect leader. His or her authority was not to be challenged by anyone else in the sect.

The next most powerful person would be the Red Guardian.

The Red Guardian answered only to the sect leader and held command over the rest of the sect.

The deputy sect leader and the elders of the sect had to answer to his or her orders.

In fact, one could even go as far as to say that the Red Guardian represented the sect leader's will.

If the sect leader was akin to the king, then the Red Guardian was akin to his regent.

However, should the Red Guardian grow too ambitious and the sect leader fail to control his regent, the former might end up threatening and usurping the latter's power.

That had been why the position had remained vacant all these years.

Since the founding of Chu Sect, there had only been one Red Guardian. She had been the childhood sweetheart and wife of the first sect leader.

The person who could assume such a position had to share a unique relationship with the sect leader.

Yu Yun's words to Ye Fan revealed her trust in and regard for the young man.

But there was no way Ye Fan would accept her offer.

He turned her down flatly.

"Yu Yun, you don't have to say another word. I won't join Chu Sect even if I were offered the position of sect leader. I'm used to my freedom. I don't like being bound to any sect or organization," said Ye Fan almost harshly.

"Fine, forget I ever said this then.” Yu Yun was a little displeased by the tone that Ye Fan had taken.

What an ingrate! He didn't know a good thing if it stared him in the face.

Besides, he didn't have to sound so rude.

Did he have a grudge against Chu Sect? Had Chu Sect wronged him in the past or something?

"You should leave. Let us never meet again. I don't wish to have someone sneak up and attack me again."

The gentle Yu Yun was gone and replaced by a cold and proud woman.

Having said her piece, Yu Yun turned and got ready to leave.

"Hold on! I have a question for you!" yelled Ye Fan suddenly with a serious look on his face. He seemed to have an important question for Yu Yun.

Yu Yun paused and turned around. Her brow furrowed slightly. "What else do you wish to say?"

Ye Fan did not reply her immediately. His dark eyes stared unbl inking ly at her while his face betrayed no hint of emotion.

Trepidation and nervousness rippled inside Yu Yun at the sight of the serious look on Ye Fan's face.

Had he figured out who she truly was?

Ye Fan's voice rang out once again as fear spiked inside Yu Yun.

"Yu Yun, have you tried the gift that I bought you? Does it fit? Do you like it? I went through quite a few stores and looked at almost a thousand pieces before I found one that looked like the one you used to have," said Ye Fan cheekily as his eyes swept across Yu Yun's chest.

No one answered him.

The world seemed to have come to a complete standstill.

Utter silence descended upon the land.

After a long moment, a furious voice rang out in the heavens.

"Die, shameless scoundrel!"


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