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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1298

No one could have foreseen that Ye Fan would resort to such means to feed Yu Yun the fruit.

Having achieved what he had planned to do, he let go of Yu Yun and jumped away immediately, putting a distance between himself and the latter. He was clearly terrified that in her fit of fury, the young woman was going to pick up her sword and try to kill him again.

Then, he thought about it. In her weakened state, she wouldn't be able to do so even if she really wanted to.

"How about that! You thought I couldn't get you to do anything, didn't you? I made you eat the fruit, didn't I?” said Ye Fan with a smug grin while keeping an arm's length from Yu Yun.

Yu Yun was still stuck in a stupor and had not yet recovered from her shock.

She couldn't believe it. Had a man just kissed her without her consent?

How could that happen?

"Ye Fan...you scoundrel! How dare you... how dare you..."

It was a long while before Yu Yun finally broke out of her dazed stupor.

The immensely beautiful woman could still feel Ye Fan's breath on her lips.

Her cheeks turned bright red. The flush spread from her neck to the tip of her ears.

This wasn't the first time she had been so intimate with Ye Fan.

But this was different. The previous time, they had both been delirious and hadn't been in their right minds. Neither of them had been able to remember the details of that night the next day.

This time though, Yu Yun had been completely clearheaded when Ye Fan had kissed her.

She could remember every detail clearly.

In fact, she could remember how Ye Fan had pried her mouth open after their lips

had touched.

Waves of shame and mortification threatened to pull Yu Yun under.

Yu Yun hadn't been able to forgive Ye Fan for their last aborted act of intimacy.

She was the sect leader of a powerful sect and a woman who prided herself on her dignity and honor. Yet, she had just been dishonored by a man yet again. Who could understand the emotional turmoil that she was suffering right this moment?

She would have let Ye Fan off for kissing her. After all, this wasn't their first time. What infuriated her was the fact that he had fed her the ice spirit fruit.

"You scoundrel! I told you I didn't want it! Why did you feed it to me? Did you even know how the ice spirit fruit is to be consumed before you fed me the fruit? You're going to drive me crazy!" Yu Yun's lovely face flushed with fury as she thundered at Ye Fan.

Ye Fan was going to drive her into an early grave.

The ice spirit fruit was incredibly rare and valuable, and held within it an equally incredible power.

There was one highly probable outcome that resulted from consuming the fruit whole and directly. One would fail to withstand the massive energies contained within the fruit. The luckier ones would suffer damage to their diaphragms and severance of all their meridians while the unluckier ones blow up and die instantly.

That had been why Yu Yun had tried the alternative, which was external consumption of the fruit.

That was the only way to absorb the energies within the ice spirit fruit incrementally. She could stop anytime she had reached her physical limits.

But Ye Fan had just fed her the whole fruit. Great.

He hadn't saved her. In fact, he might have just doomed her to certain death.

Yu Yun stared at the stupid smile on Ye Fan's face and was overcome by overwhelming fury. Her blood pressure must have hit the roof.

She was convinced that the gods had sent Ye Fan to earth to punish her.


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