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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 130

At this moment, a sudden gust of wind sprung up.

The chilly early autumn wind stirred Ye Fan's forelock and several willow leaves on the ground under the pavilion.


And then it happened in the flash of an eye. Ye Fan, who had been calmly walking forward, suddenly stretched out his hand and plucked a willow leaf out of thin air. As he gripped the leaf between his index and middle finger, it hummed with invisible energy. And then he swung his arm backward.


The willow leaf sped through the air toward Li Xue-Qi, who was right behind Ye Fan.

Li Er and the others could only hear a buzzing sound.

The speeding willow leaf created a sonic boom, and then it hit the wooden sword in

Li Xue-Qi's hand.


The sword shattered immediately, and the fine debris drizzled down to the ground.

But the impact did not slow down the leaf at all. As Li Xue-Qi looked on in a panic, it flew past her ear and headed straight for her teacher, Xing He!

The old Taiji master reeled in shock, and hurriedly tried to dodge the incoming projectile.

But the blade of leaf was as swift as a bolt of lightning.

When Xing He spotted the leaf, it had already reached where he was. And as he looked on in despair, it brushed against his neck and continued to speed past him.

Finally, with a loud clang, it embedded itself into the pillar behind Xing He.

One third of the leaf had sunk itself into the wood!

"This... this is?"

"He has reached the level where he can use a blade of grass, a strip of wood or a piece of pebble as a sword!"

"Even a petal of flower or a blade of leaf can be used to wound others!”

The sight before him sent Li Er into a state of agitation. His eyes widened and a change came over his expression. Finally, he jumped up from his seat, walked over to the pillar and started at the blade of leaf that had been plunged into the wood. All the color drained from his face as he stood there reeling in shock!

He had not expected to be able to witness such a miraculous feat with his own eyes.

Deathly silence~

It went on for a long time.

At this moment, it was completely quiet within the pavilion.

A slight breeze blew past and rustled the leaves in the willow trees.

Ye Fan was already long gone, and only speechless surprise remained behind in his wake.

Meanwhile, Li Xue-Qi had not moved her spot. She remained standing stock still, her face pale with fright. Most of her sword had already shattered into tiny pieces, and only the hilt remained.

Even now, she still could not recover from her shock.

It was as though she could still see the terrifying willow leaf flying toward her!

The fear was still lingering in her mind!

Li Xue-Qi found it difficult to imagine what would have happened to her if the leaf had hit her body instead of her sword. What would be her plight now?

Panic filled her heart. And her teacher was faring no better.

Even though Ye Fan was already long gone, Xing He continued to lean against the pillar in a daze. His whole body was still shaking with fear.

The willow leaf had actually brushed against his neck on its way to the pillar.

Xing He did not doubt that, if the leaf had deviated from its path, even by a little bit, it would now be lodged in his throat rather than the pillar.

Yes, Ye Fan had nearly taken his life with a single blade of leaf!

When Xing He thought about this, cold sweat broke out on his back. As he reeled in panic, his legs finally lost their strength and he collapsed onto the ground.

Before this moment, he had not imagined that a youngster disdained by everyone would be the person to nearly kill him.

Just then, the old man looked as pale as a ghost. As he laid sprawled on the ground, the lingering fear in his mind caused his body to tremble uncontrollably. There was no trace left of the majesty and pride he had displayed when he was rebuking Ye Fan.

After a long moment, Li Er was the first person to recover his wits.



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