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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1304

"Is there a monster hiding under the rocks? A monster like the giant ape outside?" Someone blurted out then.

The few who had rushed ahead paled instantly and leaped off the pile of rocks.

The rest took a few steps back instinctively.

Everyone loved treasures, but they treasured their lives more.

Their lust for treasures dissipated within no time.

Everyone began to come to their senses.

They eyed the cave from pile of rocks from afar, none of them willing to venture a step closer to take a good look.

After all, if a monster was truly trapped under the huge pile of rocks, the person who decided to scout ahead was also likely going to be the person who died first.

Naturally, no one wanted to be the first.

Everyone was waiting for someone else to take the lead.

They had somehow arrived at an impasse.

This wouldn't do though.

Mike Jones finally stepped forward and surveyed the rest with a stern look on his face.

"It appears that no one wants to be first. But we can't just stand around and do nothing. I propose to select a few amongst us to break those rocks apart in a single go so that we can find out what's hidden underneath them.”

Everyone nodded when they heard his suggestion.


"Young Master Jones has proposed a great idea."

"It'll be less dangerous that way."

Let's do it then!

"Alright, let's do as Young Master Jones has said."

"We'll pick a few people to launch an attack at the mountain of rocks and break it apart."

"Let's find out what's hidden underneath that huge pile of rocks."

"Young Master Jones, you're an experienced warrior from Chu Sect. You can pick the men to do it."

"You're well regarded by all. We'll follow your command."

After a round of discussion, everyone decided to go ahead with Mike Jones' idea and shatter those rocks with pure brute force so that they could find out what was underneath them.

"I'll gladly follow the wishes of everyone," said Mike Jones with a loud laugh before picking a few of the stronger fighters amongst the martial artists.

"Angie, get out of the way. The rocks might hit you!" Mike Jones yelled at Angie as the few fighters gathered around the rocks and readied their attack. He began shouting angrily when he didn't get a reply. "Angie, what are you looking at? Quickly, get behind me right now!"

"Alright, I'm coming!" replied Angie distractedly.

She had been distracted and looking around wildly ever since she had gotten on that island.

Mike Jones had no idea that she was looking for someone.

"It seems like Fan did return home after all."

Angie had been looking for a person while the others had been hunting for treasure.

But no matter where she had looked, she didn't even catch a glimpse of that young man.

Her spirits sank like the gradually setting sun in the horizon.

Her head drooped like a fruit under the assault of snow and hail.

Angie knew very well that she would probably never see her Fan again after her return to the family.

She had no idea what had come over her. Since that day when Ye Fan had bid her farewell, she hadn't been able to get Ye Fan out of her head.

They had only known each other for a few days. But the image of Ye Fan had been seared deep into her heart. She longed to see him again.

"Let's do it! Everyone, please keep your distance! We can't be held responsible if anyone gets injured!" An old man thundered at the foot of the mountain.


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