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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1316

"You scoundrel! Be a man and stop hiding! You coward! Why are you running around and hiding? Fight me like a real man! Come on, let's fight! Your cowardice disgusts me! It disgusts me!”

While everyone reeled back in disbelief at the sight of Ye Fan's strange moves, Brahma, who was fighting the man himself, was slowly spiraling into a crazed fury.

He was being steadily driven to the edge of madness.

He had practiced martial arts for decades and had fought battles and wars. In all his fights, he had never experienced such fury.

He had been attacking like a madman all day. Yet, it had been akin to hitting air. None of his attacks had landed on Ye Fan.

He was livid. He felt like an ineffectual idiot.

"Scoundrel, fight me! If you don't, then you're not a man! Come on and fight me!" cursed Brahma like a madman who had been driven into a corner and had forsaken his image as an invincible martial artist.

He hurled curses at Ye Fan and called him a scoundrel and a coward.

Someone who had no idea what was going on would have thought him a throaty old woman yelling at her husband.

It was clear that Brahma was on the verge of a complete breakdown.

No matter how powerful he was, no matter how many techniques or moves he possessed, nothing helped.

Ye Fan was like an eel that kept slipping through his fingers. It didn't matter how much power he had if he couldn't hit his target.

If this went on, exhaustion or humiliation was going to kill him.

"Damnit! What technique is the punk using? Why can't Indra do anything to him?” Reilo and the other Indian martial artists snarled as fury darkened their


Everyone else were trembling with disbelief.

"That must be why that Chinese young man dared to antagonize Indra! He has this up his sleeve!"

"With such a bizarre technique, he's not going to get killed even if he's not as powerful as Brahma.”

"It appears that Ye Fan is going to use that technique of his to wear Indra down!"

A few martial artists began discussing amongst themselves as they watched the fight.

It seemed a little devious of Ye Fan though. Even if he should win the fight in the end, he wouldn't have done so fairly.

Regardless, the odds were currently in his favor.

Everyone was convinced that Ye Fan was going to wear Indra down with his bizarre technique. It was then that Ye Fan suddenly stopped dodging.

"You coward, stop running. If you're a man, you'll fight me like one! Come on, fight me! Show me what you're made of!" thundered Brahma, his eyes red with fury.

Ye Fan looked straight into Brahma's eyes then and smiled smugly. "Sure, as you wish!”


A sudden storm rose to the air as overwhelming power erupted from Ye Fan.

Invoke the Celestial Cloud churned madly in his diaphragm.

On his bones and his meridians, strange marks began to glow.

Within moments, Ye Fan was basked in a golden glow of power.

The silhouette of a golden dragon appeared at his back.

The dragon thundered and its roar reverberated throughout the forest.

The almost tangible power sent everyone reeling back. Their eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.

"That can't be..."

"Is that a physical cultivation technique?"

"I can't believe it. He's mastered a physical cultivation technique!”

"Heavens! Who is this guy?”

Everyone had thought that Ye Fan's greatest trump card had been the strength and power that he possessed as a grandmaster.

Yet, he had repeatedly challenged their assumptions again and again today.


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