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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1318

The two words landed amidst the crowd like bombs.

The long sword that Ye Fan had sent flying into the ground seemed to take on a life of its own instantly. It charged towards the heavens, whistling loudly as it sliced through air, and appeared in Brahma's hand again.

The winds howled while leaves flew Hurriedly in the air.

Sword in hand, Brahma hovered in mid-air and gazed down upon the men and women at his feet.

His voice was like the heavy knells of the morning church bells thundering across the island.

"I began practicing martial arts since I was three and got accepted into the Swarga Sect when I was seven. I was the loyal student of that old man and treated him like my master and my father. My only wish was that he would teach me the most powerful technique, the Vajr. But he died without fulfilling my wish!"

"The heavens did not forsake me though. After he died, I searched long and hard through the records in our sect and finally pieced together the contents of the Vajr. After training hard for thirty years, I finally mastered the Vajr and became a supreme grandmaster. Today, I shall call upon the forces of nature, summon lightning and strike you dead!"


The winds howled and leaves danced in a flurry as Brahma's thunderous voice reverberated in the sky.

The look in his eyes turned as cold as ice.

He raised his sword to the sky.

The winds grew stronger while clouds roiled.

Flashes of lightning flared in the heavens as a storm darkened the skies.

One could hear thunder rumbling in the distance.


"Is that lightning?"

"My god!"

"Is Indra really...going to summon lightning?"

"Is he really a god? A guardian of India?"

The sight of the skies changing nearly had everyone wetting their pants.

Lightning was the domain of the gods.

Since the dawn of human history, there had been numerous myths and folklore about those who could command lightning.

Every one of those tales had described these wielders of lightning as deities and gods.

After all, only the gods could wield the energies of the natural world.

Yet, they were going to witness something that belonged in myths and legends.

Even those who had seen their fair share of the world found that incredulous.

They couldn't help but think that Brahma had somehow shed his human skin and ascended to godhood.

Faces paled. A few religious men had fallen to their knees and begun to pray.

Only the martial artists from Chu Sect preserved some semblance of composure.

"This is the Vajr! The Vajr from the Swarga Sect! I thought it lost when the Swarga Sect was annihilated. But it appears that Indra has mastered it," whispered Mike Jones solemnly.

The energies of the natural world were divided into the five primary elemental powers.

Most martial artists only focused on training their physical body and developing the latter to their fullest capacity.

But when one reached the level of the grandmaster, he would have reached the peak of his physical capacity.

In order to become more powerful, he would have to harness the energies of the natural world.

Yu Yun had tried to harness the power of the cold.

The Swarga Sect had tried to harness the power of lightning.

With the aid of mystic techniques and martial arts, they could gain the ability to summon lightning as well.

Lightning was simply one of many ways in which the natural energies of the world were made visible.

As long as one understood the principles behind this truth, it no longer appeared magical or mysterious.

That explained Mike Jones' comparative composure.

Storm clouds rumbled in the skies.


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