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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1320

"Gaia, are you alright? How are you holding up?"

Brahma had seen what Ye Fan could do.

He knew how terrifying his attacks were.

He had been thrashed by Ye Fan earlier.

Gaia, on the other hand, had suffered a direct hit by Ye Fan.

Even though the exchange of blows had been brief, but Brahma was certain that Gaia's injury was on par with his own.

Gaia wiped the blood staining his lips and smiled wryly.

"Don't worry, I'm alright. I can't say the same for my chainmail though. I spent more than a decade to gather the necessary materials before hiring a European craftsman to customize that piece of armor for me. I can't believe that that young punk destroyed it with a single blow. It's going to be a challenge to make another one like it," said Gaia as he shook his head. The sorrowful look on his face was heartbreaking.

"You should thank the gods for that chainmail. Without it, you might not be able to stand on your own two feet right now. You got too close to him. He's crazy. I would have been injured seriously as well if that hit had landed on me instead," said Brahma with a sigh and a look of self-deprecation in his eyes.

Gaia nodded. "You're right. That guy was out of his mind. I expected to be able to make a full retreat even if the ambush failed. After all, he still has to fight you. But he didn't seem to care at all when he turned around to attack me instead. I can't believe this. Two supreme grandmasters against a young punk and we only managed to scrape by."

The two good friends, Brahma and Gaia sighed loudly.

The men who heard their conversation widened their eyes in shock. They dared not breathe at all.

"Two...two supreme grandmasters?"

"The man who arrived later...is he a supreme grandmaster too?”

As everyone stared in shock and disbelief, someone in the crowd finally recognized whom the new stranger was. He gasped aloud.

"Gaia? The supreme grandmaster, Gaia?

The Persian King who leads the West Asian martial arts circle? That Gaia?"


The Persian King?

A heavy boulder that crashed into the ocean would stir a thousand waves.

That man's words sent everyone reeling with disbelief and shock.

Their eyes instantaneously swept towards the man in gray robes.

"The Persian King, Gaia?" "Is he...really the Persian King?' While some froze in shock and incredulity, there were others who were bewildered as to who the Persian King was.

"Grandfather, who is the Persian King? Is he very strong? He had to sneak up on Ye Fan. Someone who tries to stab someone in the back like that can't be very powerful, can he? A real powerful warrior wouldn't have to resort to such despicable means.”

"Silence! You rascal, stop spewing nonsense! Do you wish to get killed?" yelled an old man amidst the crowd when he heard what his grandson had said. He was filled with fury and terror. "Who told you that the Persian King isn't a powerful warrior? He's a supreme grandmaster too. He's one of the ten most powerful martial artists in Asia and the top fifty martial artists listed in the Sky Ranking. He could kill you by breathing hard on you. How dare you speak so disrespectfully! Do you want to get us all killed? Weaker men like us have no right to judge the actions of men like the Persian King. Until you become stronger, you should shut your mouth. Otherwise, you're going to get yourself into serious trouble!"

The young man looked down and listened silently to his elder's reprimanding words without protest or complaint.

Others who had no idea who the Persian King was reeled with fear when they realized that he was yet another supreme grandmaster.


"What the hell is going on?"


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