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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1325

Yu Yun's frosty words swept in all directions like a cold wind.

Her garments flapped in the wind as her hair fluttered.

Internal energy surged from her body.

"Let's talk. We don't have to fight.”

Brahma was instantly terrified, so he humbled himself as he tried to convince Yu Yun otherwise.

A smart man knew what to do at the right time.

After so many battles, even if Brahma had any strength in him, he was no longer in his best condition.

In reality, he had used up most of his energy to fight Ye Fan.

Since he was not at his best, he naturally did his best to avoid conflict.

He was more inclined to resolve the problem verbally in an effort to avoid fighting her.

However, Yu Yun turned a deaf ear to Brahma's words.

Before Brahma finished his sentence, Yu Yun attacked him.


Yu Yun raised her sword and hacked Brahma angrily with her dress and hair fluttering in the wind.

She was so swift that she was like a bolt of lightning.

Everyone had just seen Yu Yun execute a move, but her sword glow had already spread as far as their eyes could see.

Her intense internal energy came down like a river of swords.

Brahma was nothing but some small fry in the middle of the river.

"Friend, let's talk!! There's no need for us to fight! Why don't we just split the treasure in the cave evenly between us?"

The wind swept fiercely as sword energy surged wildly through the air.

Even now, Brahma was still trying his utmost to salvage the situation.

However, Brahma did not pull back his attack while he pretended to make peace.

The moment Yu Yun executed her attack, Brahma was ready.

Brahma finally lost his cool and sternly cursed when he realized a fight was unavoidable, "Shameless bitch! Do you think I can't fight you because of these injuries? You are just a weak woman who will end up at under some man tonight, so how dare you speak so rudely to me? Today, I will beat you until you become ashes so that you will be incapable of even having a death anniversary in peace!”

Brahma had lost all his composure.

He was the leader of the Indian martial arts circle and made it to the Sky Ranking.

Asking to make peace was already the most humble offer he could muster.

He didn't expect the woman to refuse to accept his suggestion.

She even ignored him and attacked!

Any ordinary man would have gotten mad, let alone Brahma, who was a leader in the Indian martial arts circle.

He had already decided to slaughter the woman, even if it meant getting injured gravely.

There was no way he would take a mere woman seriously!

Even if he was hurt, he had to see if this woman was truly that powerful.

Brahma jumped into the air angrily as energy swelled wildly in his sword.

Wind raged in all directions.

In a matter of seconds, Brahma hacked his sword several times.

Sword gleam radiated in all directions like a dancing dragon before it clashed with Yu Yun's attack violently.



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