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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 133

"What other reason could there be?" Qiu Mu-Cheng retorted.

"Fine, if those achievements weren't due to charity and favors given by others, then answer my question. Why did Master Li Er and the others come visit you at Dongyang Town?"

"Why did Hongqi Group select me to be their partner?”

"And why did Young Master Shen act so chummy with you?”

"If you had not sucked up to those people, then why would they shower you with favors?!!"

"You are just an unknown person from the countryside. During the past three years, you have not accomplished anything worthy of note. If you had not relied on somebody else, why would the Shens treat you with such respect?!!!"

Qiu Mu-Cheng's eyes were red and she looked like she was ready to cry. But even so, her questions were articulate and they resonated with reasonablenes. And as her words rang out on the bank of Yunwu Lake, they attracted side glances from numerous passersby.

Ye Fan, on the other hand, did not say a word. He simply stood there as he looked indifferently at the tearful woman before him.

"Ye Fan, why don't you say something?"

"Why aren't you explaining yourself?” Just then, Qiu Mu-Cheng choked on a sob. She really wanted to be able to convince herself to believe Ye Fan.

But he remained as composed as ever. No emotion could be seen on his delicate face, as if it were a placid lake that was impervious to external disturbances.

He stood there and said nonchalantly: "There is nothing to explain. One of these days, you will understand that I have achieved everything through my own efforts and no one else's.” "That's enough!” "Even now, you are still being unrepentant?”

"Ye Fan, I am so disappointed in you!"

In the end, Qiu Mu-Cheng ran away after letting out a cry. In the instant she turned around, a trail of glistening droplets dispersed in the wind. But nobody saw that.

She was crying.

After Qiu Mu-Cheng's disappointed departure, the place returned to its former calm.

The street lamps flickered and when the yellow light fell across Ye Fan's body, it cast a huge shadow beneath him.

"Why didn't you tell her?" Xu Lei's melodious voice suddenly rang out behind Ye Fan.

She walked forward, her exquisite high heels clacking against the ground as a passing breeze stirred up her dark red hair. Tonight, she was wearing a short corset waist skirt. And peeking out from underneath it was a pair of glossy calves that exuded a heart-touching warmth.

Ye Fan looked at the mist-covered lake and smiled self-deprecatingly. "What do you think I should tell her?"

"Should I tell her that I am the eldest son of the Chu family?!"

"Should I tell her how powerful the Chu family is?!"

"Should I tell her that I wasn't depending on a woman but my father's family?!"

Ye Fan sneered and his voice was filled with self-mockery.

If he had really said all that, then even he would look down on himself.

"A person's family background is also part of his capital. It is the same thing as his talent or ability. Is that not so?" Xu Lei's voice rang out slowly beside Ye Fan's ear, like the chirping of a nightingale.

But Ye Fan shook his head and said, "To you, maybe it is so. But to me, the answer is a definite no."

"One day, I, Ye Fan, will crush the Chu family beneath my feet!!”


A bitingly cold gale suddenly blew across Yunwu Lake.

Ye Fan stood proudly on the bank and looked at the horizon from afar. His demeanor was filled with majesty and there was something about him that stirred the soul. In his eyes, one could see a look of firm resolution.

As she looked at the man standing before her, Xu Lei found herself lost in a daze once again.

Because at this moment, Ye Fan was exuding such a strong aura of unwavering pride that Xu Lei knew she could never hope to compare to him. She was shocked by this realization and could not help but wonder just what kind of person he was.


Suddenly, a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky. Immediately afterward, the sound of thunder rumbled through the air. The sky turned darker in an instant.

Far away in the horizon, among the stars, the clouds had begun to billow and roll across the sky.

It looked like a storm was coming.

Yunzhou, a villa in the eastern suburb.

Qiu Mu-Cheng was hugging a pillow as she sat dazedly on the sofa. Judging by the redness in her eyes, she had just been crying.

After leaving Yunwu Lake, she had come looking for Su Qian instead of going home.

The latter had just finished her shower then and, when she received her friend, she was dressed only in a thin gauze gown. At that moment, the sight of Qiu Mu-Cheng's misery had been the final straw that sent Su Qian into a rage.

"Damn it! Mu-Cheng, don't tell me you are still thinking of that country bumpkin?"

"I have already told you that he is not worthy of you.”

"His family is poor and he was born in the countryside. A poor person like him lives in a different world from us."


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