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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1340

Kong Ming and the others spoke about Ye Fan in a more respectful tone after they realized who he was.

"I think even if Ye Fan didn't die, he probably isn't on the island anymore. If it were me, I would leave right away as far as I can to avoid getting captured by Brahma and would try to go home," interrupted Lv Hua suddenly.

Kong Ming nodded and felt that Lv Hua made sense.

But Ye Qing-Tian remained silent.

"Hey! Isn't that Elder Kong? Didn't you run off already? What are you still doing here?" A voice suddenly came laughing from behind.

Kong Ming turned to see a few foreign martial artists walking up towards them.

They were on their way to leave the island and head home.

Kong Ming was delighted to see them. He hurriedly went over and asked, "Perfect. I have a question for you. What happened in the end? Who won? Was it Brahma or the kid from China? Do you happen to know where he went? Did he get out alive?”

Kong Ming asked several questions in one go.

They candidly told them about the events that transpired that day.

"What? The Persian King, Gaia, came here too? And you say they attacked Ye Fan together? One of them even made a sneak attack?!"

Ye Qing-Tian was initially happy to hear that Ye Fan had the edge over Brahma.

However, Ye Qing-Tian's face became increasingly dark as the story went on.

Ye Qing-Tian's face turned ghastly pale when he heard about Gaia sneaking up on Ye Fan to attack him from behind.

He started to panic a little.

Previously, he was certain that Ye Fan had survived because he felt Brahma couldn't kill a grandmaster single-handedly.

But things had changed completely since Ye Fan had to fend himself against two supreme grandmasters and not one.

Also, one of them even launched a sneak attack on Ye Fan.

In other words, Ye Fan was in dire straits.

Ye Qing-Tian could almost foresee his end.

"Uh huh. Brahma and Gaia were clearly in cahoots. One of them attacked him from the front while the other took Ye Fan from behind. I feel so bad for Ye Fan. He was such great talent but ended up getting maimed. Although a woman turned up at the last minute to take him away, I reckon he won't survive those injuries. He was surrounded by two masters and ended getting hit by a lightning attack and suffered two penetrating injuries. He ended up being in really bad shape. It's a tragedy, but don't be too sad, take it easy."

The martial artists sighed as they talked about Ye Fan and felt sorry for the Chinese martial arts circles' loss.

Ye Fan was certainly a rare prodigy, but he perished on the island before he managed to make a name for himself.

Anyone who heard about what happened would feel sorry for their loss.

After consoling Kong Ming and the others, they shook their heads before they went on their way.

The Amazon rainforest was the biggest primeval forest on earth, so even if these martial artists wanted to walk out, it would probably take days.

Since they were dying to go home, they didn't want to waste any time. They had to hurry back to their countries and report back about the trip to South America.

Ye Qing-Tian was incapable of finding peace after they left.

His face had become as white as a sheet.

"Could Ye Fan really be dead?" murmured Ye Qing-Tian deeply in a solemn tone.


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